Chapter Nine- I'm Sorry

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"I'm surprised you didn't get suspended." Sero said.

Bakugou had just finished telling Sero, Kirishima, and Denki about his punishment for the mall fight. The mall security had contacted U.A. to which Aizawa decided to come up with a 'better' punishment. Instead of suspension, the boys would be on classroom clean-up duty for the next two weeks. And they would have to work together for all group/pair projects in those two weeks.

"It's so fucking stupid." Bakugou glared at Sero's cieling as he swung in the hammock.

"You left him a pretty decent shiner," Kirishima said.

Bakugou rubbed his jaw, "Of course I did. He's fucking weak."

"Not so weak if you're rubbing your chin. If he had his quirk activated, your jaw would be broken- and he barely grazed it." Sero was quick to point things out.

Bakugou frowned. He didn't want to admit that Deku was getting stronger, but that fight had proved it. His chin was slightly red and sore as hell.

"Whatever...." He shrugged it off.

"I hope you at least apologize to Uraraka." Kirishima said.

"Why would I have to apologize?" Bakugou was clueless.

"You fucked up the day by starting things with Midoriya. She probably feels guilty." Denki said.

"You think so?" Bakugou never thought about it that way.

"Definetely. Go talk to her. I'm pretty sure she'd be in her dorm." Sero untied one end of his hammock and Bakugou prompty fell to the floor.

"Fuck you Flat Face." Bakugou cursed as he rubbed his shoulder.

"I'm kicking you out until you apologize to her. This is a respect women zone." Sero, with the help of Denki, dragged Bakugou out of the room and into the hall.

Bakugou heard the distinct sound of the door locking. Just great.


Ochako stared at her reflection on her desk mirror. She frowned; her eyes were red and puffy since she had cried herself to sleep and her cheeks seemed even chubbier than usual. She was definetely going to back out of Girl's Day. She didn't want them to worry about her.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

Just her luck that when looked like the walking dead someone was at the door. Thinking it was just one of the girls, she opened the door without a second though.

"Damn you look like hell Pink Cheeks."

She instantly shut the door. Nope. No way. I am not dealing with this today.

"I know you're there. Just open the door so we can talk." Bakugou said from the hall.

"Just go away," She pleaded. He was one of the last people she wanted to see.

"I just want to talk."

"Well I don't."


Her heart skipped a beat. He rarely called people by their names and yet hers smoothly rolled off his tongue. She mentally kicked herself as she opened the door, "Make it quick." She glared up at him.

He bit back a chuckle, "You're not very scary."

She went to close the door again, not wanting to deal with his teasing. He pushed the door open and strolled to her bed where he sat down. She left the door ajar, sitting at her desk.

"What?" Her voice was harsh.

"I'm sorry."

Was the Bakugou Katsuki apologizing to her? He never apologized to anyone. That was two new things he'd done today.

She raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"I realized I was being selfish and unfair to you." He paused to read her face before he continue, "I was so used to only having to think about me that I forgot about you."

"Is that all?" She just wanted this to be over.

He stood up and walked towards her. He crouched down, using the armrests on her chair to balance himself as he stooped to her eye level. Her face reddened as she was reminded of how he played laser tag.

"I'm not emotional. I don't talk about my emotions. But I realized that if I want you-" her eyes widened, "I have to talk about all this mushy gushy crap.

"Why me? Are you sure you actually like me or are you just trying to start something with Izuku." Her brown eyes searched his red eyes.

He leaned closer. SHe could feel his breath on her lips. "I like you Pink Cheeks. Don't make me say it again."

"Okay..." Her calm demeanor had worn off as she started to freak out.

"I'm not asking for an answer right now, but I don't like you hanging around Deky. Everytime I see him talking to you I want to pull you away. I want you to be mine, Ochako."

That last sentence made her lean forward and kiss Bakugou Katsuki. Maybe he was her someone special after all.

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