Chapter Fourteen - Reunited

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Hasufel threw his head back and whinnied as the group made their way through Fangorn, Adriel leaned forward and gently stroked the horse's neck to calm him. The tall trees blocked out most of the day's light making the forest floor very dark and chilly, it was understandable why he was uneasy. Adriel shivered slightly as she pulled her cloak tighter to her body, using her feet to weave Hasufel between rocks and large roots that protruded from the uneven ground.

"It is good to see you have healed my lady," Eomer said from behind Adriel. She turned in her saddle and smiled at the blonde rider as he rode up beside her, Hasufel and his horse nearly touching shoulders as they followed Gandalf towards Isengard.

"Thank you," Adriel whispered softly to the man, "for not leaving me there." He smiled over to her and nodded.

"Do not thank me, you were wounded badly and needed help. I had no idea that you were an Elf," he stated as he looked her over. Adriel chuckled softly before letting go of her cloak and reaching up to her ear, pushing a stray chunk of hair that had fallen from her braid behind it revealing the pointy tip and the two small gold hoops that pierced it.

"I am only half Elven, I am often mistaken for a human woman," she said with a small smile on her face as she dropped her hand back to Hasufel's reins.

"You are far fairer than any woman I have ever laid eyes on, I should have known, " Eomer said in a friendly tone as he smiled kindly towards Adriel before turning his gaze back towards the narrow path, "I can see now why the Elf was so on edge when we had met them. He is very lucky to have a woman of both your beauty and skill." Adriel smiled softly before doing the same. The memory of Eomer handing her over to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli was very hazy. The only thing she could remember was smelling Legolas's scent and feeling his heart racing as he pulled her into his chest. The loud groaning of trees caught Adriel's attention, she looked around cautiously before kicking Hasufel forward until she rode beside Legolas.

"Do you know what they say?" Adriel quietly asked. He shook his head and looked towards her.

"No, but they feel joyous and relieved," he whispered back as his eyes met her own. Adriel took a second to enjoy the sky blue of his eyes before looking back up. Through a small gap in the forest copy she could see Orthanc, the tower of Isengard.

Soon the small group rode out of Fangorn. Adriel's eyes grew wide as she looked upon two Hobbits sitting on a crumbling stone wall. Pippin's loud laugh rang through the air as he raised a mug into the air, a large grin plastered to his face.

"Welcome my lords and lady, to Isengard!" Merry shouted as he stood from where he had been sitting beside Pippin. Adriel quickly swung off of Hasufel, both swords she now carried thumped against her back as she sprinted past Gandalf and climbed the wall. Both Hobbits immediately wrapped their arms around the Witch as she crouched down to hug them, tears of happiness streamed down her face as she pulled them tight to her. Pippin buried his face into her shoulder as he held onto her waist in a death grip.

"You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on and now we find you feasting.. a-and, and smoking!" Gimli stammered loudly from where he sat behind Legolas. Pippin pulled away from Adriel and looked at the Dwarf, a smug smile on his face.

"We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well-earned comforts," Pippin casually said as he shoved a hunk of salted pork into his mouth, "the salted pork is particularly good." Merry let go of where he had been hugging Adriel's neck and took a step back from her, taking a deep puff from his small wooden pipe. A loud laugh escaped from between Adriel's lips as she stood back to her full height in between the two halflings, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Salted pork?" Gimli asked, practically drooling. A broad smile had plastered itself to Adriel's face as she pulled the Hobbits into her sides, ruffling their curly hair. Adriel looked down to Legolas who also had a happy smile on his face as he sat quietly atop Arod, his eyes seemed to sparkle as he looked up to where Adriel held both Hobbits tight to her sides.

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