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You walk down the streets of Korea, tiredly. The sky was beautiful today, not a cloud in sight, but that meant hot weather. You hadn't had a drop of sleep last night and you looked like a mess when you awoke, so you used lots of makeup to cover your zombie face. All night was you twisting and turning and thinking about what happened, your feeling everywhere. You head into your favourite cafe to see your favourite person.
The door bell rings as you enter and a small smile placed on your face. You go to the counter and was face to face with a Jimin. You grin at him and he returns the smile.

Jimin: Hey, hey... what's up with you?

Y/N: Just tired...
You give him a small fake smile.

Jimin: Is it that Boss? Is he doing too much? I knew bosses were bossy but he can't overwork you!

Y/N: Yah!
He looks up at you, frightened at your booming voice. You giggle at his adorable face. You might've been drunk asleep, because you leaned forward and pulled his cheeks softly, and muttering, 'adorable'. His cheeks lit up and he then grabs your wrist and sits you down on to the chairs.

Jimin: Are you sure your okay?
You nod.

Y/N: I'm fine, it wasn't the boss... it was just my lazy self binge-watching Netflix.
You lied and he makes an offended face.

Jimin: And you didn't invite me?!
You giggle.

Y/N: No... it's not like that!
You smile, and he grins at your cute sleep-drunken state.

Jimin: Nah, I was kidding.
He says leaning in and having his hands supporting his face, he observes your adorable face. You stare back blankly, but inside was freaking out. Then after a while of not being able to hold his gaze, you look away and clear your throat. Jimin still watches you with a big fat grin.

Jimin: So what would sleepy head like?

Y/N: Oh no, not another nickname.
You smile at him.

Y/N: I'd like the usual, please.
He nods.

Jimin: On your way.
He says and walks off to prepare your food. You daydream about what happened, your heart beating loudly and your head feeling giddy. You were so in love with him. You smile at the thought of his face staring at yours, adoringly.
You scratch the thoughts when you get a message. It was from Jungkook. Oh shit, you groan mentally.

Boss JK:
I'm already at work today, so you'll have to use the pin to enter.
You mentally have a happy dance. You didn't have to face him, thank god. You quickly type back a reply with a grin on your face.
Jimin arrives with a tray and places it on the table. He then sits opposite you.

Y/N: Why are you here, no work?

Jimin: No reason. Now eat, Y/N.
He scolds and you smile. You look down at your food. It was a heart-shaped bread and coffee with another heart shape. Your eyes widen and your heart flutters.

Jimin: A question?
You nod.

Y/N: Ask me anything.

Jimin: Well...
He says nervously, scratching the back of his head and his cheeks reddening. He avoids your eyes and you smile at his cuteness.

Jimin: Well... will you come with me for lunch?
Your eyes widen and so does your smile.

Y/N: O-Of course, Chim. But I also have a question.
You say sweetly, he looks up and nods at you.

Y/N: L-Like a... date?
You say stretching your self out cutely, but as you do, the coffee spills and warm liquid trails down your legs. You let out a whimper as the hot liquid hits your leg. His eyes widen and he hands you some napkin. You take it and wipe it quickly.

Jimin: Are you alright, Y/N?

Y/N: I'm fine, Chim.
You manage to squeak out.

Y/N: I'll just change when I get back home!
You smile.

Jimin: So the question was if it was, l-like a date?
He says flustered.

Jimin: No... with Taehyung and Jisoo, of course!
Your smile fades a little but you keep it up.

Y/N: O-oh, right. I'm sure I'll be free.
You give a small smile, he nods and escapes from the table. You frown and scroll on your phone. You thought you were going to be asked out after so long, but instead it was only in a hang-out way. But what was the heart stuff for, your brain mutters. You sigh, only men understand men.


Jimin's POV:

I rush back into the kitchen. And close my eyes tight. What did I just do?! Taehyung comes in, a skip in his step.

Taehyung: How'd it go, Jiminie?
I smile nervously.

Jimin: I gave her the things you told me... but kinda didn't ask her out.

Taehyung: What? What happened?

Jimin: Tae, I don't think she wanted to go on a date with me. I asked her to lunch and she asked if it was a date... and I was flustered so I said...
He face-palms himself already knowing what was coming out from his best friends mouth.

Jimin: That you and Jisoo are coming, of course.
I see Taehyung groaning in annoyance.

Taehyung: The poor girl.
He mutters.

Jimin: I told you, Tae, she doesn't like me!

Taehyung: Believe what you want, she does like you though.
He says stirring the coffee in his hand.

Taehyung: You had a chance, Jimin!

Jimin: I know, I know.

Taehyung: Alright, you have next time.
He says sighing. I sigh along with him.

Jimin: Right, right.
I smiles with Taehyung.

Taehyung: Cheer up Jiminie, plan Y/N and Jimin is a go!
I laugh.

Jimin: What?

Taehyung: You heard me!
The two of us laugh together.


Normal POV:

I wipe my mouth with a napkin and get up. Jimin comes over to me and smiles.

Y/N: Hey! I'm just about to leave. My work shift will start soon.
You laugh.

Jimin: Hope you enjoyed the food.

Y/N: I did thanks, say bye to Tae for me.
He nods, and you leave with a smiling Jimin behind you. You sigh. When is something going to spark between the two of you... you did want to confess but after today you feel like he doesn't really like you.


You arrive at Jungkook's mansion with the pin and settle you bag down. You needed a shower and had some spare clothes here so that's what you do. You were in relief as Jungkook wasn't here. You didn't have to face him. You strip your clothes and get into your shower robe. Leaving under garments underneath, you walk out into the hallway knowing there was nobody there. You were frustrated because you didn't know which bathroom to use as there was so many. You had to stay professional and use the one the staff were allowed in. As you desperately look around the hallway, figuring out which room to head into. The sound of keys opening the door was heard.
Your body freezes.


Authors Note:

Oop- He coming! A small Jiminie and Y/N moment. He couldn't do it, our Jiminie was too shy!

Read next chapter for what happens next!

Peace out!

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