
28K 867 340

A big smile plastered on your face as you enter the door, your hand gripping the straps of your bag. As you unlock the door and head into the beautiful Mansion, that you were about to clean, two voices were heard. A girl... a familiar girl. That high-pitched, annoying... wait, Yeri!
Your lips curve down into a frown as you see Yeri and Jungkook. He looks into her eyes and pecks her lips, you're eyes widen slightly as you see her in his shirt. With the two of them, nothing actually happened... only Yeri needed clothes, but you didn't know that. Neither, did you need to... it wasn't your information to know.
Something grab onto your heart and tears it out. A big deep cut in your chest. It was hard to ignore... hard to shrug off.
As you see Jungkook's eyes land on you, you fake smile. His smile fades into blankness. You couldn't quite understand the emotions in his eyes. Your mind fuzzy. You bow your professional 90 degrees bow.

Y/N: Morning, Master.
You turn to Yeri.

Y/N: Morning.
You say and she grins, maybe liking the high respect she got from you.

Jungkook: Hey... you can start your work.
He instructs and you nod. You were about to leave when Yeri tugs his shirt, you didn't miss the way his hands grabbed her waist ever so gracefully. You wanted to scream-... Is it the time of month, already? You mentally think to yourself. Why were you so moody?!
They whisper something and you stay stood, impatient.

Jungkook: Y/N. Meet my girlfriend, Yeri.
Player. Fucking player. Why was there some hope he wasn't going to use your body like trash. Men are trash.

Y/N: Well, nice to hear that.
You fake smile.

Y/N: Con...grats.
You let out. Yeri smiles, holding onto Jungkook like he was her prized possession.

Yeri: Make breakfast for us.
She orders. You wanted to make a face but control yourself and walk away with a nod.
You hear there giggles as you change into your uniform. Make you breakfast, my foot. I'd rather feed you poison. You think of those murderous thoughts in your head.
You smoothen out your outfit and you go to the kitchen. The stove heats up and you start to do your magic. A frown on your face as you hear his familiar laughs.


Your messy bun was barely on your head, nearly falling off. Your hands hold onto the tray you were holding and present it to the couple. They stop there chatter and look at the food with hungry eyes.

Yeri: Sheesh, took you long enough.
You mentally roll your eyes.

Y/N: Took a while-
You say gritted teeth. Jungkook looks up at you. The strands of hair in your face and the messy bun behind... made you look pretty.

Y/N: -That's all.
You add, with a fake smile at the end. You were hungry even though you had breakfast so, as you hum to the kitchen, you decide to have a small toast.
You sit on the counter swinging your legs, scrolling on your phone as you take the crunchy bread between your teeth. Crunch.
You were taking a break and then would start cleaning the house. You sigh, relaxed with a full tum-tum. As you take the last bite, Jungkook enters with the tray.
He stares at your sitting position on the counter swinging your legs. You realise and quickly step down, dusting your lap, that was full of crumbs.

Y/N: J-Jungkook.

Jungkook: We were finished.
He says as he places the plastic tray down with a small thud.

Jungkook: You should get to work.
He says with no expression. But he looked intimidating with his hands in his pocket as he walks off. You nod and make a face. Your body not wanting to work, but you make your way to work anyways.


Exhaustion take up your body as you finish scrubbing the bathroom tiles. Jungkook and Yeri went out for a 'date'. They were coming back in any minute, not that you care because you were scrubbing the bathroom tiles. You hear the doorbell and rush down to open the door. You see the two of them with grins in there face, a frown makes its way to yours.

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