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It's been a week since the party. Everything back to normal, your mornings spent in Jimin's cafe and then University comes. You only had a small shift at Jungkook's but still preferred work. The lectures were boring and tiring. You even met up with Baekhyun with Jisoo, alongside. You all caught up with each other and had so much fun.
You had finished Fridays University lectures and were on your way to Jungkook's house to complete your work shift.
You skip down the stairs with your uniform and start to sweep the house. You hadn't met Jungkook yet. Probably running late at work, you think.
As you continue hoovering, you start to hum a tune from Beyond The Scene.
a/n: Wink wink;)
The song Idol had a jumpy tune and your hips and hands move by it's own.

Jungkook: What a scene, Noona.
He had a stupid smirk on his face that you desperately wanted to wipe off. You clear your throat and pull down your dress, instinctively and bow slightly.

Y/N: M-Master.
You say embarrassed at the fact he stepped in at that moment. He chuckles.

Jungkook: Good work, Noona.
He says teasingly at which your eyes roll. He pats your hair and you glare at him, he chuckles.

Jungkook: Tea please, busy day...
He says huffing. You watch his body language, a little stiff and hunched down. You felt bad as he has such hard work at such a young age, but at least he got what he deserved afterwards... so much money.
You nod and rush to bring him tea. As you rush to give it back, thinking he was at the study room. His figure watches you as he steps down the stairs. Your rushed and worried face, trying not to drop any tea but being as quick as possible. He smiles to himself, his hands in his jogger pockets.
He clears his throats.

Jungkook: Noona, I'm here.
He waves, you relax your face.

Y/N: Where would you like it?

Jungkook: How about the living room?
You nod. You take it and place it there, you stand with your hands folded on each other. He enters and sits, lifting the cup to his mouth.
After taking a sip, he sees your concerned face once again.

Jungkook: Noona, why don't you sit and chat? Maybe that'll lessen your concern.

Y/N: Sure.
You say ready to do anything to get rid of his tiredness. You were about to sit when you realise what he had said and stand up again.

Y/N: What?

Jungkook: You heard me.
He smirks at you. You nod your head nervously and sit a while fat distance away from him, your back on the hand rest and his figure on the other hand rest. You probably stank as you had worked hard to clean the whole house.

Jungkook: You cleaned well, huh?
He says looking down at your opened cleavage, at which you clear your throat. His eyes look back at you and he smirks at your flustered state.

Y/N: I did.
The rest of the time, you had watched him drink tea and he had asked you questions, which was a yes or no reply. The awkwardness was unbearable. Soon your shift has ended, and you greet him goodbye.

Y/N: Rest well.
You bow slightly, as he walks up the stairs to his room.

Jungkook: I will, goodbye.
You sigh and hold onto the strap of your bag and go on your jolly way back home.


You were in your comfy clothes and watching Netflix and eating a tub of ice cream, Ben and Jerry's to be exact. Your favourite. All food was your favourite to be honest, just some more than others.
You were crying one minute, screaming at the TV the next, at the dumb characters of course and hard uwuing at the main characters interaction. As you put in one more spoon of ice cream, a phone rings. You answer the call, your eyes more focused on the scene ahead.

What do you want, Jisoo? I'm trying to watch Park Hyungsik.
Your eyes widen as a deep, familiar voice speaks through the phone. Shit, more embarrassment.

Actually, I would like some food if you don't mind, Noona.
He says letting out a breathy laugh.

Ha, ha. Sorry, and of course I'll be right over.
You laugh nervously and then make an annoyed face. You had already finished your shift and now he wants you to make you food. You groan. Park Hyungsik, my prince, you'll have to wait. You sigh, annoyed.
You quickly get ready and leave to his house. It was 11pm as you leave the house with your keys and phone in your hand.


You knock and then wait patiently for Jungkook to open the door. As he does, you see freshness in his face. At least he had a good sleep, you say to yourself.

Jungkook: You came! I'm hungry!
He says babyish, and you giggle before entering.

Y/N: What would you like?

Jungkook: Some tteokbokki!
You smile and nod.

Y/N: On your way~


The hot steaming tteokbokki was on the plate and you take it to Jungkook who was sitting in the living room. He was watching some random news channel and you give him the food.

Jungkook: Thanks, Noona.
He say smiling brightly. He then searches your hands.

Jungkook: Where's yours?

Y/N: M-Mine?

Jungkook: Noona, it's already so late. You should stay over. You already have clothes here.
Your eyes open wide. Stay over? You think it through. It was already 12 and going out wasn't safe. What harm was there? You had your clothes. You make a decision in your head.

Y/N: Um, sure.
You leave to get your plate, as you do a massive grin makes its way to Jungkook's face.
You grab the warm plate and take a drink to the living room. You sit beside Jungkook, a reasonable distance between you.

Jungkook: Mm! It's good, Noona.
He exclaims and you smile.

Y/N: Thanks.
You eat it and was surprised at your own cooking.

Y/N: Bro, it's actually really good.
He laughs.

Jungkook: Yeah bro.
You cheeks grow red. Your with your boss, Y/N. Think before you speak! You smile nervously along with his cackling.

Jungkook: How 'bout a movie?

Y/N: I have a good recommendation!
He nods and you go to his Netflix. You had to log in, and your eyes furrow.

Y/N: You don't have Netflix?
He was busy eating, and then he looks up at you.

Jungkook: Netflix? Ohh, Netflix!
You sigh at his dumbness.

Jungkook: Nah, I don't need it.
Your eyes blink slowly as you register the thought of someone not having Netflix.

Y/N: You don't have Netflix?!
You scream. He flinches.

Jungkook: Um, no not really...
You sigh.

Y/N: I guess you are a big CEO.
You mumble.

Jungkook: Yeah, I have no time for this.
You laugh and shrug. You add your account.

Y/N: How about a Netflix marathon?
Your eyes twinkle at him.

Jungkook: Cool.
He says blankly and focuses on eating his food. You make a face and start a movie. The two of you watch the movie in silence and the sounds of burps after eating heard.


Authors Note:

Hiya! This is another chapter! Hope you enjoyed... it was kinda boring, but next chapter will be goooodddd ;))))

Anyways, stay safeee!

Peace out!

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