Forced On His Lap

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A hot lunch box in your hands. Full of the scrumptious hand-made food by you, of course. It was on its way to Jungkook.
You knock on his door and enter. He was skim reading through some documents and you couldn't help but be in awe, at his cute, concentrating face.

Y/N: Yo!

Jungkook: Oh, hey, Noona!

Y/N: I told you to stop calling me that.
You murmur and he smirks cheekily.

Jungkook: What do we have here?
He says, eyeing the food like a prey. You hide it behind your back and pout.

Y/N: I want a kiss first.
You say in a duh tone. Jungkook playfully rolls his eyes, and pushes himself out the chair. His tall bulky body was hot, in the casual suit. You couldn't help but drool at your boyfriend.
He comes closer to you, and leans down to peck your lips. Your head magnetically lifting upwards. His soft lips meet yours, and you were in a fantasy once again, as your eyes close softly.
However, Jungkook, slyly had taken the lunch box out of your hand, and laughs. Your eyes open and you feel your hands empty and you glare at him.

Y/N: Yah!
You look at him angry, but he couldn't help but smile. You looked cute.  

Jungkook: Aw, Jagiya. It's alright.
He pinches your cheeks. The word he had just called you had made you stomach full of butterflies.
Your cheeks lightly flashing red. 

Y/N: D-Don't call me that...
You say looking away from his intense eyes.

Jungkook: Whats wrong with it, 'Jagi'?
He on purpose puts emphasis on the 'Jagiya'. He raises an eyebrow and your tongue pokes your cheeks. Jungkook smirks.

Jungkook: Noona don't do that. You look hot.
Your heart starts beating fast, and you mentally smack yourself. You compose yourself and then speak.

Y/N: So, where's Seokjin?
Jungkook was about to take a bite of his rice but smiles cheekily.

Jungkook: I was just kidding. I wanted food.
You glare at him and slap him on his shoulders.

Y/N: Bastard.
Jungkook shakes his head and lets out a no.

Jungkook: I'm your muscly bastard.
He throws guns up at you and you couldn't help but laugh.
You pick up your bag and hold the strap.

Y/N: Alright, I'm off to Seokjin, Kookie.
He nods and stuffs his face with food. Truly, the sight made you hungry so you lean in and open your mouth.

Y/N: Aaah.
He looks up at you as if your an alien.

Jungkook: No go to your 'Seokjin'.
He says in a moody voice. You purse your lips and nudge him.

Y/N: Are you jealous, Kookie?
You say fluttering your eyes at him. He pushes your forehead back and you laugh at his act.

Jungkook: Ummm. No, why would I be?
He says blowing on the spoon full of rice and warm chicken. You forcefully take the spoon, and into your mouth. He tries pulling away but you quickly bite into it. Jungkook kisses his teeth, and you smile innocently at him, your cheeks full of food.

Jungkook: You look like a chipmunk.
He says bluntly and you grin.

Y/N: Thanks.
Then you walk out the door, and he couldn't help but smile as you walk away. You quickly peek your head back in and give him a flying kiss.

Y/N: Bye, baby.
You quickly let out, and Jungkook chokes on his food. You laugh and quickly run away. You haven't called Jungkook 'baby', and he had wanted you to call him that for week, which was why he resulted in choking.

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