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So hey! I just discovered my love for this ship (and Jade West AND Elizabeth Gillies, apparently due to my 'awakening', if you catch my drift) a few days ago and due to me starting to rewatch VicTORIous at the beginning of the month and reading a whole load of fanfics about them, I put together a puzzle in my head whenever I would think about these two

And hell, surprise, surprise, welcome back my childhood! Seriously, though, this show has been a part of my childhood and I kept watching it every night when I was I think eight or ten? That was so long ago. It didn't even sink in to me that Ariana Grande was the same Cat Valentine I watched when I was a child, that is, until I rewatched VicTORIous again recently and also when I saw the cast's reunion via Zoom recently (and what the chiz, Liz looks so hot- shut up brain! And also I miss them and the show so much) that I realized how much I love VicTORIous

And well, due to almost dreaming a Jori Story when I just discovered this ship, well, my brain decided to go full-on writer mode (Jade West much girl?) and create a scenario in my head.


Anyway, this is my first story about a TV show that casts real people because if you observe my profile, I have my entire focus on anime. And those reading this who aren't fan of anime, wazz off! And no, anime is NOT a cartoon. If I catch anyone saying that I WILL SERIOUSLY GRAB MY HUGE AS CHIZ SCISSORS AND SNIP IT IN THEIR FACE THREATENINGLY (cuz face it, I'm not Jade West I cannot do what she does like throwing scissors perfectly like a dart). Please go easy on me when I publish this because I repeat this is my first time to write a story that involves actual people casting in it

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