CHAPTER 2: Words Are Sharper Than Any Knife (Or Pair of Scissors)

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It made her curious as heck!

Well, not really just her but every single one of their group couldn't hide their confusion from it all

Why would a girl no one heard about or they never even met personally have scissors with Tori and Jade's name on it? Was it just a plain coincidence, that CANNOT be a coincidence at all. It just can't be because it's too...put together, if you know what that means

Tori groans as Trina finally parks at Hollywood Arts. Now, she knew she had to get another ride to school again. She just can't handle Trina sometimes...even for their usual 5 minute long drive! It was driving the younger Vega insane!

So, without even a thank you towards her sister (and knowing that she wouldn't get a ride home, yet another problem for Victoria Vega), she stormed into the school. She finds the familiar pale skinned girl talking with Beck as they're seemingly asking some other students about something. Tori sees Jade wasn't paying attention because her eyes - goddamn those cool bluish eyes that never failed to drown Tori whenever she looked into them- no! Bad Tori! You do not say that towards the gothic member of your clique - were too drawn to the familiar pair of scissors in her hands and yes, she instantly recognized the scissors being the one they just picked up yesterday that had been dropped by the mysterious Aria West

Until now, Tori's curiosity is increasing in intensity on who this girl was. It's got nothing to do with Jade at all, alright?! It's completely unrelated, okay!? Yeah right, like anyone would believe that. That's why thoughts are better kept to into the inner depths of the brain

"Yes, you really should learn to differentiate thinking out loud from talking out loud, Vega!" she hears Jade's voice shout at her and she sighs, approaching them because her locker is just beside said goth girl and Beck. Apparently she's thinking out loud.... Grabbing her books from her locker for her first class with Sikowitz, she was surprised when Jade grabs her arm "What are you doing?" the pale skinned girl asks and Tori raises an eyebrow "What does it look like? I'm getting ready for Sikowitz's class. Shouldn't you be doing the same, Beck?" she decides to, again, go against Beck's plea of not provoking Jade, by ignoring her even if her hand touching her skin sent shivers throughout her entire being

"Yeah, we'd do that if Sikowitz didn't lend his time for you and Jade to meet with him and the Professor in the Black Box Theatre. I'm thinking it has something to do with our mysterious 'Other West' as Jade now currently calls Aria..." Beck says with air quotes just as Tori closes her locker while Jade just slightly glares at him, her other hand that wasn't holding onto Tori's arm was busy spinning the mysterious scissors in her hand "What do expect me to call her? West? Wouldn't that be idiotic even for Little Sally Peaches over here?" she didn't miss the glare that Tori sent to her "I can't call someone not close to me by first name, it's common courtesy..." she reasons

"Why don't you call me by my name, then?" Tori pipes up and Jade fights the glare threatening to come out. Instead, she used her tone of voice she always used to mock Tori "Oh no, Little Tori me not calling you by first name is because you're special!" she says, not realizing the weight and content of the words that just came out of her mouth

"I don't talk like that! And...wait...what did you just say?" Tori, now realizing what it was indeed Jade had said looked into the goth girl's eyes. Jade now realizing it herself had wide eyes and she sent a glance to Beck who suddenly found his PearPhone interesting but the smirk on his face was in plain sight. This made Jade very much ticked off - Beck was using her secret against her!

As for what secret that is, everyone should already know, but we'll delve deeper into that when Miss Jadelyn West is finally able to realize and talk it out herself

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