CHAPTER 3: The Impossible is Plausible

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"You can do this, Aria...just...approach's okay, Jade and Tori told you to join them for lunch with their'll be fine. It's gonna end alright. They'd been so nice to you, the least you could do was be honest to them as well." Aria paced at the far end of the Asphalt Café. She heaved another breath, her heterochromic eyes shielded by her eyeglasses turning determined while she robotically try to walk towards the table of the familiar group

"On second thought, I can't do this at all!" internally panicking even if she's already only a few more steps to their table, Aria turns around "Oh, here she is! Hey, Aria! Over here!" and her retreat has been interrupted by Tori spotting her walking towards them. She sighed, knowing that there was no backing out now. She turned back to look at them, clutching her lunchbox - she always prepared her lunch ever since her...parents became too busy to even interact with her

Robotically, she stands in front of them "Konnichi-wa...Tori...Jade..." she mentally slapped herself "Uh, I meant...hello, Tori, Jade..." she corrects herself while Tori sends her a grin and Jade nodded. "Come sit!" Cat offers and instinctively, Jade and Tori made room for her to sit on which made Aria sit in between Tori and Jade

"Sorry...I have a bad habit of talking..."

"In Japanese when I'm on the edge..." Jade and Tori finishes for her, glancing in her direction before the three of them broke into fits of laughter, shocking everyone. Who knew Tori and Jade would laugh at an inside joke?! Beck smirks in triumph. He was starting to see winning his bet with Andre but that wasn't the focus right now. Now, they had to get to know this girl that Jade and Tori just brought into their clique

"Oh yeah, guys, this is Aria West, our...what word did Sikowitz used again?" Tori asked, glancing at Jade who was casually eating a grilled cheese sandwich "Protégé..." the goth replied as she smiled down at the heterochromic girl (not that anyone of their friends noticed yet) "Why don't you introduce yourself, Aria?" Tori suggests and the Other West gulps but finds her voice to talk anyway "Glad to meet you..."

"Now, this is Andre Harris,"

"'Sup, chica?" Andre had addressed her the same way as she calls Tori which made Tori look at him with fake-hurt evident in her eyes "Naw, chill out, Toro. She just reminds me of you. I don't know what it is but her...aura, also screams Tori Vega somehow." Andre reasons which made Aria flinch Always quick on the uptake, aren't you? she thought while Tori just laughs

"Robbie Shapiro and Rex,"


"'Sup babe?"

Aria visibly flinched, almost jumping into Jade's arms but only managed to scoot closer to the goth who glared at the puppet "Scare her again and you'll be meeting with my friend Mr. Puppet Shredder." she threatened which made Robbie gulp and scold Rex

"Cat Valentine,"

"Hey hey! That's me! Want some bibble, Little Sally Peaches?" Cat says in her usual overly-joyful tone. This made all of them look at her "Okay, Cat. First of all, where did you even get that bibble? I thought you promised yourself not to eat those again?" Tori starts and Cat shrugs "They're so good though!" she reasons. Tori was about to talk again but Jade cut her off "Secondly, why do you call Aria what I call Vega?" she asked and Cat had to stop at that. She looked into Aria intently before replying "Because I think Andre is right. She looks somehow like Tori today...with some pinch of Jadey here and there..."

"If you do not stop calling me that, you'll find your lockers embedded with scissors too."


Tori shakes her head but looks at Aria "Do you want some bibble?" she offers and Aria gulps but shakes her head " thanks. My...uh...I don't like the taste of that..." she replies softly as she scooted back to her position before Rex scared her. Tori nodded, looking into their last friend's direction-

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