CHAPTER 4: The Truth Can be both Painful and Pleasurable

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"Mom!! Dad!! What are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't we be the one asking you that, Ariana Victoria Elizabeth?" the older Tori asked and Aria visibly flinch, she never found it too comfortable whenever she was called by her full name... "Can you please stop using my full name here, Mom?" she begged, restraining an eye roll. Her daddy, the Older Jade, rolled her eyes "What do you go by here then?"


"Ah, I see..."













"NOW CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Tori screeches, clearly panicking at the sight of someone who looks like both her and Jade. Right now, their group of friends, Aria and her...parents are in the Black Box, deciding that they should have some explaining to do. Like, why is Aria's parents Older Tori and Jade

"We're sorry for whatever our daughter did..." Older Tori, who was sitting on a long row of seats, said while the Older Jade sighs, sitting beside her, her left leg resting on her right one while her left arm dangled from behind the backrest of the Older Tori's chair "We honestly do not know that she would use Robbie's prototype time travel machine...and pedal through time with her bike." she continues while Aria scoffs, grabbing an empty carton of milk, her face contorting into slight anger as she uses the scissors that was just returned to her to cut it into little pieces and throwing it into the trash

"Wait...Robbie creates a Time Machine!? That's amazing!" Cat praises, jumping up and down excitedly while Robbie just flushes, his hand rubbing the back of his neck

"Yes, so when we found that Aria was gone, we suspected she'd just gone off to ask her Uncle Andre to practice her singing but when we didn't find her, we figured that she might've gone somewhere outside LA. When we heard from Robbie that he just saw Aria a few days ago marveling at his inventions, we knew she did something to actually practically vanish from the face of the Earth." Older Jade said while looking evenly at her daughter who laughed

"What's so funny, young lady?" Older Tori asked and this made Aria snicker again "So what? You think that now that you've figured out where I went, now you think you know everything about me?" Aria scoffed again, her tone of voice changing from what the others were used to. Her heterochromic eyes judging her parents

"Don't take that-"

"Calm the heck down, Jade..."


"Ssshh. You're just gonna make it worse..."


"I said 'ssshh!' can you not understand that?"

The older Jade sighed, slumping back on her chair while the others looked on, amused that the badass Jade West was being shut up by Tori Vega herself. This made their younger selves blush madly. As they looked on at Aria who wasn't paying attention anymore, finding her lyrics for later so amusing

"Why are you like this, Aria? What changed? You used to be a good girl and understood us. Why did you have to involve time in your selfishness?" the Older Tori said. At this, everyone stopped. They knew the real reason why Aria did what she did. At least, they got the gist of everything and they felt sorry for the girl - the girl who was only looking for the love her parents had before they got too busy to even check on her

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