CHAPTER 6: The Past is Not the Only One Catching up to the Present

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As they entered the Black Box, they saw their eccentric, coconut-addict teacher sipping, of course, another coconut. He was sitting at the middle of a makeshift stage in front of the room, reading something in his hands as the shruggers wait for him to be done with whatever the hell it was he was doing

"SIKOWITZ!!!" Jade yelled loudly, startling everyone, Sikowitz jumping out of his skin and dropping the script he was holding "Great Ghandi! Jade what is with you and yelling!?" he screeches as the gang scrambled to get to their seats while Jade just rolled her eyes in response, everyone sitting down, Andre, Cat and Robbie at the second row, Tori, Jade and Beck at the third row, Jade putting her right hand at the backrest of Tori's chair, making the brunette lean onto her side. Sikowitz sighed but internally celebrated. It was his idea to get them on that playdate after all and also-

"I AM THE JORI SHIP CAPTAIN!!!" he screeched dramatically, skidding on the floor with his knees, while everyone just stared at him "What the frickin hell is 'Jori'?" Jade asked, missing the blush coming from her girlfriend's face, it seems only Beck and Tori knew what it meant because "He's completely gone bonkers." Andre says with a sigh, Robbie nodding with Rex and Cat distracted by clapping amusedly at how Sikowitz skidded on the floor. After such a display, the eccentric man brushed his clothes off and stood up properly, placing his coconut down and scruches his eyebrows at the papers he was holding "This isn't the script I was gonna give for the activity..." he drawls

The door of the Black Box opened and everyone's attention immediately slipped to it and seeing at who it was, Jade glared "Of course that isn't the script, Sikowitz. You picked up Lane's documents that he would submit to Principal Helen..." Ace stands there, he brushed his hair away from his face and grinned like a dork, waving two sheets of A4 sized bond papers

"Ah, Ace! Glad you came!"

"Well, I'm not!" Jade didn't realize she said that out loud for both Tori and Beck to hear and while the Canadian boy laughed heartily, Tori stared at Jade, wondering why the hell is she being rude. Leave it to Tori to not see how Jade acts when she's jealous

Ace walks towards Sikowitz and grabs the papers from the teacher and gave the two he held to him. When he scanned the students, Tori caught his gaze. The half-Latina grinned, waving at him and Ace's eyes brightened "Victoria, hi! Oh shoot, I gotta go, see ya Sikowitz, Victoria!" he runs to the direction of the door, Tori following his figure as it fades from view and this made Jade huff and roll her eyes

Tori shot her a look "Why are you so angry?" she whispered with a hiss to the thespian to not interrupt Sikowitz while he's discussing "Oh, you know, Tori, typical Jade behavior..." Beck tries to play it cool, earning a death glare from his ex-girlfriend "She wasn't talking to you, so shut the chiz up, Oliver!" the murder reflected in her eyes just served to amuse Beck more, making Jade scowl angrily

Nevertheless, Jade pulled Tori by the shoulder closer to her, giving her an uncharacteristically sweet kiss at the top of her head which made Tori flush again. "Jade, be fluffy with your girlfriend at your own time..." Sikowitz scolded "Trust me, if it didn't work when Beck and I were still dating, what makes you think it'll work now?" she gave a smirk at the teacher who was staring at them. Tori slapped her chest "I told you, be nice...!" she scolds while Jade just gave a big shrug

Sikowitz sighed "Anyway, any of you joining the Open Mic tomorrow? I assume you children will perform for the school a song that may outmatch the one we saw during the Kickback!" he said as he dramatically kicked the air while everyone faded into their talks about the performer for the opening and ending act of the Kickback...

Which only caused the group to groan, not really knowing why they don't remember who it was that performed back then. Their hazy memories were really becoming a big problem. They had this huge troubled face but their attention was grabbed by one group of shruggers who talked animatedly about the Kickback

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