CHAPTER 1: It Could've Gone Better

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"It was her fault!"

"Aw, Miss Sweet Sally Peaches ticked off by little ole me again?"

"I. Don't. Talk. Like. That!"


"Jade, stop provoking Tori,"


"And Tori stop responding to Jade,"

"HA! Wait, what the chiz are you saying, Beckett Oliver?!"

Ah yes, the norm of the well-known group of friends at Hollywood Arts. At lunch, after class, by their lockers, or even in their own homes, Victoria Vega and Jadelyn West never seem to get along no matter what Andre Harris, Cat Valentine (in her own, cute, subtle Cat way), Robbie Shapiro (if he's not scared of Jade or Rex), and Beckett Oliver do. Don't get them wrong, they still consider the two friends but there were just times that they argue for a long time, no one even remembers what they were arguing about.

Well, so much for Sikowitz's way of planning their playdate a few weeks ago and Tori's performance at the Platinum Music Awards where Jade gave Tori back her part in it and they had hugged after the younger Vega's performance. They had gotten along so well those times. Beck didn't know what changed between her ex girlfriend and her friend (best friend in real life) but sometimes, he just wanted to get in between, the least he could do to Tori always helping him and Jade back when they were still a couple

With a huff from Tori's part and a glare from Jade's, they sat at their usual table. Jade was practically stabbing her salad with her fork while Tori was gripping tightly on her PearPhone while eating her burrito. Beck and Andre just rolled their eyes. They could never understand why they just can't get along

Suddenly, Tori releases a confused noise while sipping strawberry milk she brought from home while looking at her PearPhone "What is it, Toro?" Andre asked in his usual casual voice and Tori sighs "Our Creative Writing Elective says that she doesn't have a writing assignment for us today. Rather she asked us -yes our entire group- to talk to one of her students about a story she had been writing but couldn't hand over yet. She also asked us to look it over and...if possible help her in singing for the upcoming Kickback..." she replies with a raised eyebrow

"Great. Another unrelated thing to do in this class..." Jade groans in annoyance as she stabbed her tomatoes angrily again while Tori just rolled her eyes at the goth girl...although she had to admit, seeing her angry at something besides her was a refreshing feeling. Looking back to her phone, Tori scrolled down to read another part of the message

"Hey, I don't think I've heard of this name before here.... But the teacher said she was one of her top-performing students in the elective..." Tori says as she curiously looked at the name in the message intently. "What's the name? I'll look to see if she shows up in the Master List of the The Slap..." Robbie offers











"What?!" Jade reacts as everyone was looking at her "Just because she has my last name, it doesn't mean I know her! There are plenty of Wests in Hollywood!" she reasons "Yeah but you're one and only Jadey!" Cat goes to hug her

"If I get to five and you're not letting me go, you will regret the day you ever called me that annoying nickname! One..." Jade starts but stops when Cat squeaks and pulls away into Andre "Easy there, Little Red, it's okay..." Andre, the ever-caring big bro figure for Cat comforts her

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