CHAPTER 7: Of Belgian Cocoa, Coffee and Doughnuts

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A/N: Btw, I barely watched iCarly and Sam and Cat before (only a couple of times) so, forgive me if Sam is OOC.... So yes, a new ship joins this weird fantasy of mine; Puckentine (correct me if I'm wrong about the ship name, I'm not too sure).

A few minutes earlier...

The group decided to go grab lunch at the café across the street from Hollywood Arts because Festus wasn't being cooperative with their orders and whatnot. They also heard that the coffee and doughnuts there were pretty good, attracting the Vega-West couple's attention. So right now, they were about to enter the café they were to eat lunch at

"Wonder why they called it Paradiso?" Tori asked as they entered the establishment. Jade was walking next to her while Beck, Andre and Robbie were talking to Cat about another weird thing her brother did. At her question, the Goth shrugged "Maybe the owner is a fan of Dante Aligheri?" she suggested, pertaining to the book that the aforementioned author had written as they opened the door, a bell ringing signaling their entry

They took in a whiff of coffee beans, baked goodies and hot cocoa "Man, I remember that hot cocoa you made me drink before, Tori..." Andre drawled, distractedly. Tori nodded "Yeah. That Belgian cocoa was just the thing to calm you down from having a crush on Jade, huh?" the half-Latina replied, smiling...not noticing Andre had flinched "CHICA!!" he yelled which made Tori look at him "What?" "Why would you say that!?" he drawled again, grabbing his head to cover his embarrassment

It was then it finally dawned to Tori what it is she said "Oh my god...I am so sorry, Andre!" "Ooh, that's some quality blackmail!" Jade teased which made Tori slap her shoulder and went closer to Andre "Sorry! I was just...too caught up...!" Tori was very much nervous of Andre being all silent so she tried her best to comfort him. However that proved to be unnecessary because Andre has just the right thing to get back at the half-Latina "Should I also mention that you dressed up like Jade - the entire getup by the way - just to make me forget that?" he smirked at her and again, Tori flinched



"Beck! Say something!"

"What do you want me to say, Robbie?!"

"Cat!" they all look at the subject of the conversation. The goth had a twinkle of amusement in her eyes as she eyed Tori, the confession of Andre previously having a crush on her temporarily forgotten in favor of what Andre had just said. The goth finally smirks "You have my clothes?" she asked "Look Jade, I can explain. I had to just-" but Jade cut her off using her mocking voice for her girlfriend  "Oh goodness gracious I didn't know Sweet Sally Peaches was already obsessed with me even before I had a boyfriend. Why, dear me..." she teased which made Tori groan "I do not talk like that!"

"Wow!! I want doughnuts like hers!" Cat suddenly piped up, pointing to a direction. They all looked at the one who held the pink frosted doughnut with sprinkles. It was a raven haired girl with purple highlights, her dual colored eyes trained on her PearBook, she was wearing a simple crop top and a baggy jacket over it, some jeans and combat boots

Tori and Jade looked at each other. The pieces of the puzzle of the mysterious Kickback was...getting together. Only one way to confirm it. Jade gulped then addressed the girl


The girl choked a little and her eyes landed on them. Indeed, her eyes were brown and blue, just as they remembered it. Tori opened her mouth to speak but there was a small voice coming from Aria's phone that screamed for her to run...and before the group could stop her, she ran outside the establishment. Tori and Jade tried to catch up but to no avail, once they exited the café to go after her, Aria was already far away and she finally faded from view when she rounded a corner

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