Chapter Fifteen - Parties & Pain

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The Golden Hall was completely packed. Adriel rested her elbows on the wooden table that she sat at. Her head ached, she gently rubbed her temples with the tips of her fingers in a sorry attempt to soothe the pain. The Witch's head had felt as if it were going to explode since they had arrived back to Edoras. Adriel groaned softly as everyone in the hall suddenly stood up, the noise of clothing shifting and loud murmurs seeming to bounce around inside of her throbbing head.. She buried her face in her hands, trying to smother the unrelenting ache.

"Stand up love," Legolas whispered as he poked Adriel in the ribs lightly.

"Fine," she grumbled as she swatted his slender fingers away from her side. Adriel patted her dress down as she stood to face where Theoden stood in front of his throne, Eowyn and Eomer on either side of him. Legolas's hand wrapped around her own as he leaned towards her, his warm breath tickling her neck as he quietly spoke.

"You look gorgeous," he murmured into her ear. Adriel smiled and turned towards him, planting a firm kiss on his cheek. She wore a simple white dress that had long loose sleeves that resembled Eowyn's own dress and a plain dark leather belt. Legolas had braided the top half of her hair similarly to his, letting the rest flow down her shoulders in soft curls that now fell to the middle of her back.

"Thank you," Adriel whispered back with a lopsided grin. She used her thumb to play with the golden ring that she wore on her index finger as Theoden cleared his throat. Adriel turned her head away from Legolas to look at the king.

"Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead!" Theoden spoke as he raised a goblet.

"Hail!" Everyone in the room shouted back as they raised their own mugs and cups, the sounds seemed to rattle Adriel's brain. The Witch closed her eyes momentarily to murmur as soft prayer for the fallen men and Elves, her eyes stung. She would never see Haldir again, she would never hear his smooth voice. He was gone forever. Adriel took a shaky breath and opened her eyes, she kept her face straight as everyone drank from their own goblets.

The golden hall was soon filled with chattering voices and laughter. Adriel smiled as she walked through the crowd towards where she could hear loud singing, men seemed to part for her, making a clear path for the Witch. Adriel's smile grew even wider as she caught a glimpse of Merry and Pippin dancing on a table.

"Oh, you can search far and wide. You can drink the whole town dry. But you'll never find a beer so brown. As the one we drink in our hometown!" The Hobbits sang in unison as they danced in a circle, banging their feet on the table. A small laugh escaped from Adriel's lips as she stopped to stand next to Gandalf who was chuckling and clapping along to the halflings song. "You can drink your fancy ales. You can drink 'em by the flagon. But the only brew for the brave and true comes from The Green Dragon!" The crowd that had gathered around them cheered as they clanged their mugs together and chugged back ale. Adriel shook her head as her smile grew, clapping for the Hobbits. Gandalf grinned down to Adriel, a fondness in his eyes.

"You are feeling better Adriel?" he asked in a light tone as he rested a hand on her shoulder. Adriel nodded and smiled up at the wizard.

"Yes, but I have never had a vision so vivid before," she quietly replied, her smile faltering. Gandalf nodded and squeezed her shoulder before looking back to Merry and Pippin, seeming to contemplate her words. A hand wrapped around Adriel's and gently pulled her away from the wizard.

"You are going to want to see this," Eowyn giggled as she weaved through the crowd, Adriel's hand tightly wrapped in her own. Adriel followed quickly behind the woman, holding her hand tightly as they made their way through the hall. The memory of Sauron faded from Adriel's mind as she laid eyes on Legolas and Gimli, both men standing in front of Eomer who was filling mugs of ale.

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