Chapter 10- Suit up

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Jack layed on his bed watching Sam fly in slow circles, thinking. He knew that this was like pacing for a normal person.

"So, this might take a minute, what do you want me to start with?"
"I guess with you first" Jack patted a spot beside him, offering Sam a spot to lay down, which he took. Jack put his hand behind his head and layed back as he watched Sam get comfortable.

"Well, my kind were known as the Septic Eyes, the guardians of the chosen ones. We would choose those who we thought were brave and kind hearted. But humans slowly descended down darker paths, making it harder for us to choose, thus my kind dying out to the King, but he's gone now, me and . . ." Sam stopped and glanced at Jack.

"Seán, how many eyes do you have?"
"Um, two?" This felt like when you get pulled over by a cop and they asked your birthday. You tell them and there like "really?", Making you unsure if you actually know your birthday.

"Exactly, each Septic Eye is born with another, very rarely, one or three will be born."
"So you have a sibling?"
Sam sighed regretfully

"Unfortunately yes, but my case is different. Humans have a thing with a good twin and an evil twin? That's actually true with me and Andrew, my brother. He got jealous that I was chosen to be a Guardian and not him, and his jealousy made him go a little crazy."

"Damn, I'm sorry Sam"

"Don't be. But what you saw this morning, can you explain it? I was asleep, so I didn't get much of it"

Jack thought to the vision with a shutter.
"My. . . My friends were murdered right in front of me, and I couldn't do anything about it. And the giggling. . ." Jack stared blankly at his feet, his mind playing the inhuman noise on repeat.

"Hm, ok then. My 'Nightmare' as you might call it was kind of the same thing, which means he's getting stronger but I'm glad I found someone worthy before he did because if he did before me he would end up being almost unstoppable-"

"Woah Sam" Jack stopped the eye as he started to ramble.
"Calm down, take a breath and tell me the problem"

Sam stopped for a moment the started telepathically speaking again.
"If he had found someone as twisted as he was, I would have formed a figure similar to that person, but since I found you, it would be the other way around. But their is that short time period "

"So there's someone- something out there that looks like an evil me? That makes perfect sense, considering what's happened the last week."

"I'm sorry for putting this on your shoulders. I didn't mean to make your life harder-"

"Hey lad, you don't do anything wrong. Im just glad I'm able to help more people now."

Jack heard the front door open and shut. He sat up as Shneep walked into his room.

"Hey Shneep, how was work?"

The German just crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow, his glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. He look like a mom.

"Vhat ze hell vere you zinking! I specifically told you not to go to school today, and vat did you do?"

". . . Went to school."

"He seems mad"

"It's ok Sam, that's just him in parent mode"

Shneep gave Jack a confused look. He went to explain thing that had happened that day and how he was able to communicate with Sam. Shneep gave an unreadable expression as he pulled out his phone and showed it to Jack. It was the video from this morning.

"So zis vas you?" Jack nodded.
"So your really doing zis superhero zing?" Jack nodded again, worried that his cousin was going to go against it. The doctor ran his hand through his messy hair with a sigh.

"Ok Zen, zeres no vay I can stop you, vut I can at least help you"

Jack let out a breath of relief he didn't realize he was holding. Sam bolted from the bed and flew in happily around Shneep. The doctor tenced for a moment then loosened up as he realized Sam wasn't doing any harm.

Jack stood up and pulled down his hood, chuckling slightly at Shneeps reaction to his hair.
"So, since you said it's ok . . . Got anything I could use as a suit?"


Jack sat on the edge of a building, looking over the city in his new suit with Sam floating beside him, Keeping and eye out . . . No pun intended.

He was wearing red spandex with a hood, skuffed up purple sneakers, a shiny royal blue mask that covered his eyes, and arm bands.


"I put za small device in zese to help track your vitals since ve still don't know much about zese powers and vat zey might do to your body" Shneep handed him the bands. Jack put them on his arms over the red spandex the doctor found in the storage.
"Thanks cus"
"You can zank me by being careful"


Jackaboy-man watched the street below him with a smile. He was finally going to do something to change the city for the better.

"This is awesome! I'm so excited!"

Jackaboy laughed as he watched the eye do loops. They sat in silence for a few moments before he heard a voice from behind him.

"Sights are nice up here, huh?"

He turned around quickly to see a male with glowing pink wings. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. His red hair covered inside of his face, but Jackaboy could see that the exposed eye was completely pink.

"Jackaboy-man I suppose"

"Ya, but who are you?"
"Just call me Darkiplier"

Jack stood up and smiled.
"Somethings off about him"
"It's ok Sam" he comforted the eye.

The red hero walked over to The winged male, extending his hand.
"Nice to meet you Darkiplier, you can just call me Jackie if ya want."

Jackie could see the other male reluctanty shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you Jackie"

Sirens sounded from the streets below them. They both ran to the edge to see firetrucks and ambulances speeding down the street.

"Sam, can you scout ahead to see what's happening?"
"No problem!" The eye shot off with surprising speed. Jackie quickly turned to Darkiplier.

"Wanna come?"

Hey y'all! I'm really sorry I'm late on posting this. Hope you guys are liking the story so far and don't be afraid to say if there's something wrong!

Anyway, sorry again.

- DixieRiver

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