Chapter 16

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"(Y/N)-chan! How was practice?" You heard Oikawa ask as you locked the gym.

"Tiring. She hates me." You whined.

"How about I walk you home?" He offered, excitement in his voice.

"Shittykawa, you're walking with us everyday! Don't act like walking with you is special." Iwaizumi came up from behind.

"Hey Iwa!" You smiled.

"It is special, Iwa-chan! All the girls want to walk with me!"

"Is that so?" You raised an eyebrow. "Let's go Iwa."

Iwaizumi couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

"Are y'all seriously gonna walk without me?" You decided to not answer that question and so did Iwaizumi. Instead he talked about another topic.

"Has Shittykawa told you about our training camp next week?"

"Wait for me!" Oikawa yelled in the background, running up to you.

"No. What's a training camp?"

"It's when different schools meet up and practice the whole week. We will have lots of practice matches against strong schools like Fukurōdani, Nekoma and Karasuno." Iwa explained.

"Where is this going to take place? And what schools are attending?"

"It takes place in different places but this time it's going to be at our school. Fukurōdani, Nekoma, Karasuno and- what was that school's name again?" He turned to Oikawa.

"Inarizaki." The setter mumbled.

"Right. Those are schools that go to nationals every year. Except Karasuno. Karasuno used to be really bad but they seem to get better by time."

"So you're not going to attend the lessons?"

"No and unfortunately we won't be able to walk to school together." Iwa said.

"No homemade food for a week." Oikawa whined and let his head down.

"Don't worry about that, Oiks! I'll just bring you some food over." You smiled.

"Really?! You'd do that for me?" You could see stars in his eyes.

"Of course! That's what friends are for." Just as fast as his smile came it disappeared.

'Friends.' He repeated in his head.
'We are not just friends, (Y/N)-chan!'

You noticed his sudden mood change. Just when you were about to ask about it, your phone buzzed.

Seijoh's Volleyball Bitches🙄💅🏻🏐

Hey y'all!🙋🏼‍♀️ It seems like
the weather is going to be
good on Saturday. How
'bout going swimming then!                           6:30PM

Sounds fun actually.                                      6:33PM

  6:33PM                                                    I'd love to!

Ight, count me in.                                          6:35PM

Me2.                                                              6:35PM

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