Chapter 46

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The weekend passed by and now it was Monday.

You arrived at the school gates where the screams and high pitched voices of Oikawa's fangirls were heard.

You could see Nakamura standing next to Oikawa in the circle of fangirls, hugging his arm tightly.

You rolled your eyes and walked past them, earning some looks of his fans.
Not bad ones.
They obviously liked you way more as his girlfriend. In fact they didn't like Nakamura at all.

No one did.

Not even the team.

Makki would still text you sometimes, telling you how annoying Nakamura was and how much they missed your company.

You went to your locker where Kirishima was waiting already.

"Hey." He smiled and kissed you.

"Hey." You smiled back.

You unlocked your locker to take your books out when you noticed the code.


The day you started dating that cheater.

Arriving in class you saw Iwaizumi sitting in the back already. As soon as he saw you walking in, he turned his head away.

It broke your heart to know that he didn't want to talk or even look at you.

What did you do wrong?

You had to talk to him.

Without thinking, you let go of Kirishima's hand and approached him. You took a chair and sat in font of him.

"Iwa, do you got a minute?"

He finally turned to you.

"What is it?" he asked coldly.

"Why are you avoiding me? You are not even talking to me anymore."

He let out a long sigh.

"That's not something I wanna talk about here." he leaned back and crossed his arms.

"Where then? Let's go out."

"It's not the time either. Lesson is about to start."

"After classes are over then."

"I have practice."

"No, you don't, today is Monday." You caught his lie.

"Why would you lie to me?"

"Listen, (L/N). I'm not in the mood to talk, alright?"

"Why? You used to tell me everything."

"You are not the same as back then. You do weird things and are behaving unbelieveable."

"That's why you are avoiding me? Why are you talkig to Oikawa then? He also behaves unbelieveable."

"I told you that I wouldn't talk about it now."

You saw no point in trying for now so you just sat down, waiting for your teacher.

In lunchtime you went to the canteen as always. Kirishima decided to sit with his boys for today so you were finally alone with your team.

You sighed out loudly when you sat down.

"Still not talking?" Kuroshio asked you.

"Nope. Even lied to me today."

"That's bitter." She commented.

"Oikawa-san really doesn't care about anything though." Yukiko said.

"Why?" You were the first to ask.

"I saw him and Nakamura-san walking out of the storage room next to class 2-3 last Friday."

"What the fu-"

"Oh damn." Takashi cut you off.

"Bastard. How far will he go though?" You smirked to yourself.

"Stop it, that's creepy." Kobayashi talked for the first time today her voice monotonous.

"Sato, you are awfully quite today. What is it with you?" You knew she did something.

"I might or might not did something either brilliant or horrible. I'm gonna go with brilliant though." She giggled to herself.

"What? What is it?!" You shook her shoulders.

"Just relax and watch the show." She leaned back and looked at the door where Nakamura appeared minutes later.

Why was she crossing her arms in front of her chest?

She walked towards the table where Oikawa was sitting but was stopped when a girl bumped into her.

"Hey! Watch where you are going!" She raised her voice and put her hands on her hips as if she was in a superior position.

"S-sorry." The girl said and walked away slowly when another girl accidentally spilled her cup of water on her blouse.

The blouse was see-through now.

And what everyone was seeing was not nice to look at.

The reason she had her arms crossed in first place was because she had no bra on.

And now everyone could see her breasts.


Suddenly the whole canteen went silent.

You heard a loud gasp from her when she quickly crossed her arms in front of her chest again.

Her head immediately snapped to your direction and she made her way to you with big steps.

"It was you!" She slammed her hands on the table, making her boobs shake in front of your face.

Your team let out some disgusted noises, making her head go red.

She crossed her arms again, looking angry at you.

"So you're stealing my bra because I stole your man?" She smirked.

You saw a flash of a camera go on.

"Oh shit." Someone from far behind mumbled.

"Cut the cameras!" She turned to the boys and pointed at them, making her boobs shake even more.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure that little thing hanging out your skirt belongs to you." You calmly said.

"Wha-" she wanted to say but cut herself off when she realized her bra was hanging there.

"I don't know how you did this but you'll pay for this!" She threatened.

"I guess every belonging returns to it's owner, huh?" You smiled, basically telling her that Oikawa will return to you.

She just let out an angry cry before running out of the canteen.

After she left you heard some students laugh.

Just then your phone buzzed.

Don't tell me you did
that! Lmaooo finally
some fun!

Well, not me but one of
my girls.

You looked over at Makki's table who was already grinning at you. You also caught Oikawa's squinted eyes on you.

"Okay, now explain. How the fuck did you do that?" You asked Sato, seeing Kobayashi's disappointed look on the both of you.

"Well, I just knew that she had P.E. the second lesson so I sneaked in and developed this plan a little while ago."

"I'm so proud, you don't even know." You patted her head and went back to eating.

After all, this day wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

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