Chapter 18

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After swimming you girls - except Itō - went to your house. You all changed into your pajamas and made yourself comfortable in your living room. You sat criss cross on your couch, a blanket on your lap and a bowl of crisps on top of it. The TV was on but none of you were watching.

"Say, Koba-chan, what do you think about Iwa?" You asked, making her blush lightly.

"He is fun to be around with a-and a good friend." She played with her fingers and looked around.

"H-hey! How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?!" She blurted out.

"Oh uh, sorry?" You said, not remembering a single time she told you that.

"Wow, Kobayashi. Do you really think she can remember that?" Kuroshio said.

Silence filled the room.

"Right, I'm sorry. It just felt like back then."

"Now don't change the topic! I think that Kobayashi-chan and Iwaizumi-san look cute together." Sato broke the awkwardness.

"I know, right? Like you two were looking like a power couple back in the swimming pool." You said.

"You also won the fight together! So cute!" Sato squeaked.

"Y'all look how she's blushing. I've never seen you in this state, Kobayashi." Kuroshio said.

"Stop it already! I have no idea what you are trying but you better stop!" Kobayashi said, making Sato and you laugh and so the night went on.


Today was Monday, which meant that Iwaizumi and Oikawa had training camp for the following week. So you went alone to school and were alone in class. On your way to the canteen some people greeted you but you were soon stopped by a certain high pitched voice.

"Nakamura-san, right?" You asked her as if you didn't know. You were standing in front of the canteen doors.

"So you really can't remember anything?" She smirked.

"Uh, no?" You tightened your grip on your bag. A feeling inside you just told you not to like this girl.

"Actually I should have noticed that. I mean otherwise you wouldn't be hanging out with Oikawa." She said.

"What? What do you know?"

"Well, I don't want to be the one telling you so you should probably ask them." She turned around but you held her wrist.

"Tell me what you know, Nakamura." You voice became dead serious. Even Nakamura was scared because of that sudden change.

"I can't, I promised Oikawa-san. But hey, now you know who to ask, huh? Thank me later." She winkend and freed herself from your grab. You stared at her as she left.

'What is he hiding and who else knows it?'


After school you went to pick Haru up again but today you also picked Takeru up because Oikawa couldn't. So there you stood, waiting for two children coming out of the locker room.

"Nee-chan! Is it true that you're also picking up Takeru-kun?" Haru asked you excited.

"Yeah." You smiled.

"So cool!"

"They are picking us up together everyday Monday, Haru. I don't know what's different this week. Well, except that Tooru isn't here." Takeru said.

You offered to carry their bags but they insisted on carrying themselves. While they were playing in the park your thoughts went back to what Nakamura had said.

Was she lying?
Didn't Oikawa warn you not to listen when she was saying something?
She also said something about tears and all.
What's was going on?

You were so deep in thoughts that you didn't notice that your phone was ringing.

Incoming call from Oikawa

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan, are you alright? It took you so long to answer your phone."

'What are you hiding, Oikawa?'

"I'm good. I picked Takeru up."

"Ahh thank you so much! Just drop him at my house. His mom will pick him up by eight."

"Alright, have fun." You said and hang up after receiving an answer.

You checked the time to see it was 7:15PM. You should probably head home.

The whole way home Nakamura's words flew through your mind. You just couldn't stop thinking about it.

'I guess I'll just ask him about it tomorrow. I'll bring him food anyways.'

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