Chapter 3

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The last weeks have passed really quickly. Iwaizumi came almost everyday since he was your neighbor, which you found out a few days ago. Today was the first day of going to school again. You didn't know how to feel about it. You were nervous, scared and nervous! Most because of your teammate who told you that you were quite popular in school.

Whatever. You put on your uniform and ended your morning routin by brushing your hair and putting it into a high ponytail. Your mom just gave you your bento box, when the door bell rang.

"That has to be Hajime-kun!" Your mother said.

You quickly put on your shoes and opened the door to greet Iwaizumi.

"Good morning, Iwaizumi-san." You smiled.

"Just Iwaizumi." he replied.

"Yeah, right."

The two of you walked in silence, until you took a turn and were met with Oikawa.

"Good morning, Iwa-chan and (Y/N)-chan!" he said with a big ass grin.

"Good morning, Oikawa-san!" you greeted. Just as soon as your words were spoken, his grin dropped and his gaze went down to his shoes.

"Did I say something wrong?" You questioned but both of them shook their heads. And so the whole walk no one dared to say a word.


When you arrived at the school gates, you were welcomed by like twelve girls, holding up a 'WELCOME BACK, CAPTAIN♥' sign. You nervously smiled towards the girls, which caused Sato to run up to you and give you a tight hug. Seconds later all the other girls ran off, hugging you.

"We missed you so much, captain!"

"You are finally back!" they said, giving you warm smiles.

"Uh, thank you, I guess?" You replied more like a question. After that, Iwaizumi gently pulled you out of the girls' embrances and walked you inside the building. On your way to your classroom you heard people greeting you here and there but you couldn't really pay attention since you have never seen those faces before. - At least you thought so.

"This is your locker." Iwaizumi said.

"Alright, does any of you two know the code?" you asked.

"Yeah Shittykawa should." Iwaizumi answered, forgetting that you didn't know that he was your boyfriend.

"Shittykawa?" you rose an eybrow.

"He means me." Oikawa said.

"Why would you know my code but not Iwaizumi, when he was by best friend and you just another friend?"

That hurt Oikawa. Knowing that you use the honorific 'san' on him but not on Iwaizumi, plus you referring him as 'just another friend'.

"It once slipped out of your mouth when we were talking." Oikawa lied.

"What is it?"

"It's our— I mean, it's 2512"

You knew there was something weird about Oikawa but you decided to brush it off and just take a look into your locker. As soon as you opened it, a bunch of letters and chocolate bars fell out. You took one out of your locker and opened it.

'Dear (L/N)-san,
I heard about your accident and hope you will get better soon!
Thank you for always helping me out and good luck with your loved one!
xoxo Rinka-chan!'

You read out loud.

"My loved one? Who is that?" you asked.

Panic was written on Iwaizumi's and Oikawa's faces.

"A-ah she just meant your team! Nothing important." Oikawa lied again and closed your locker, after putting the other letters back in.

"We are going to be late for class, so let's go!"

"But the bell hasn't rung yet."


In class you sat next to Iwaizumi in the last row nearby the window. You could feel all eyes on you. That's why you looked out of the window. Oikawa who sat right in front of you glared at you during the lessons but you didn't notice.

In lunch time your teammates forced you to sit with them in the Cafeteria. On the way there, again a bunch of people greeted you, telling you that they first thought that you transferred to another school. You then awkwardly apologized because you didn't remember who those people were. They were shocked when they found out that you lost your memories. The attention that everyone was giving you made you feel uncomfortable. Even though you were used to it back then, you didn't like it now.

"Do you remember sitting here? We used to sit here in every break. Well, you used to sit at Oikawa-senpai's table too sometimes." a second year girl, Tachibana-san, said.

"Why would I sit at Oikawa-san's table? ... Oh I get it! Iwaizumi is my best friend, that's why." you answered your own question, making the second year look in surprise.

"Oh look who we got here!" you heard a high pitched voice from the entrance of the cafeteria. You saw how all of your teammates rolled their eyes.

"Who is she?" you whispered.

Kobayashi answered " An annoying girl who we all hate."

"Even the boys' team!"

"Yeah cuz she always tries to get into Oikawa-senpai's pants!" Yukiko said.

"And why do we care whether she wants him or not?" you asked but no one could answer because the high pitched voice already reached your table.

"Last time I've seen you you were full of tears." she laughed.

'Why was I full of tears?'

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"So we're pretending like it never happened? Pathetic."

'Is she crazy? What is she talking about'

You were about to say something but right then Iwaizumi came.

"I think you should leave, Nakamura-san." he said, sternly.

"Protective as always, Iwaizumi-san. Tell Oikawa I said 'Hi'." she said, waving and leaving.

"Annoying bitch." Kobayachi said.

"And what was that all about?" you were confused.

"Ah, she is just jealous because you are the captain of the team." Sato smiled, obviously fake.

'They all know something that I don't.'

[A/N]: Just tell me when you get bored.

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