Chapter 26 || aka best chapter

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The week was soon over and it was Saturday already. Oikawa told you he would pick you up at six so you got ready at five.

You wore casual pleated pants with a white shirt (Pic above, without the cardigan cuz it's warm)
and straighten your (H/C) hair. Just when you were about to put your Vans on, the bell rang.

Oikawa was here.

Although this was going to be your first date, you weren't as excited as you should've been.

You opened the door, revealing Oikawa with a bouquet of roses.

"The prettiest flowers for the prettiest girl." He smiled at you.

"Cheesy but thank you very much." You took them and put them in a vase - that you had to search for like ten minutes - before you went out.

"Roses were your favorite." He informed as you were walking somewhere.

"They really are beautiful though." You said, looking up at the tall brunette.

"Like you. The outfit really looks good on you,

You felt your cheeks burn up a little.

"T-thank you, Oikawa. You also look pretty handsome." You said.

'How embarrassing. Now I even start to stutter.'

Out of the sudden nervousness you even called him handsome.

Oikawa in the other hand was happy as ever. You called him handsome, what else could he ask for?

So the both of you walked, Oikawa not missing a chance of talking to you. You were surprised that there was no awkward silence between you.
He also reminded you that the Interhigh preliminaries would start soon.

You were so deep into the conversation that you didn't notice that Oikawa stopped walking.

"(Y/N)-chan, we're here."

You awkwardly turned around and said 'sorry'.

You two entered the fancy restaurant and a waiter led you to the reserved table, putting two menus on the table.

It was a pretty chill and kinda romantic vibe since a candle was right between the two of you.

You looked over to Oikawa whose face was kind of reddish because of the candle light.

Then he smiled at you.

You tilted your head.

You were having a déjà vu.

No, it was a flashback.

It was the exact same scenario like right now. Oikawa was sitting in front of you with candle light on his face. You remembered ordering pizza that day.

'He brought me here once?'

You enjoyed your food and had a good conversation.

The charming and flirting looks he sent you made your cheeks go rosa.

'Wow, calm down before things get awkward, (Y/N)'

"So there is something I've been wondering." Oikawa said as he finished his food.

"Huh? What is it?" You raised your brow.

Lost Memories || Oikawa Tooru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now