Chapter 32

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"Oi captain, make sure to not stay too lonng, got it?" Kobayashi yelled from the entrance of the gym.

"Yeah!" you yelled back, ready for another serve.

Next week was going to be the first match of the preliminaries. You had to win all of those matches to go to nationals.

'Let's go to nationals together!' Oikawa held your hand and grinned widely at you.

'Yeah! Let's show them what Seijoh is capable of!' you grinned back.

You shook your head.

'Why did it have to end like this, Oikawa?' you thought to yourself and served the ball.

"I know you can do better, (Y/N)-chan." You heard his voice say.

'I'm starting to hear his voice now. Don't let him get to you, (Y/N)!'

"After all we want to go to nationals together, right?"

You heard footsteps approaching you. Turning around you saw the captain of the boy's team coming towards you.

'I wasn't imagining it.'

"Oikawa, what do you want at this rather late hour?" you picked another ball and bounced it on the floor before getting ready to serve.

"Can we talk now, (Y/N)?" he asked, his head low.

You let out a loud sigh and looked at the ball in your hand.

"What is there to talk about? You wanna tell me about how good it was or what?" Again, you bounced the ball against the ground.

"You didn't even hear me out." he argued back.

"Because there is nothing to listen to. You cheated and cheating does not belong to the ops and downs of a relationship."

"You don't even know the reason-"

"Do you think staying loyal needs a reason? In a realtionship you should take it for granted to be loyal. I guess I just should have listened to my friends." You looked at the ball again, feeling your eyes tear up.

"(Y/N)-chan," He pausend and came nearer.

"I really didn't want to hurt you." He added and stood right behind you. He wanted to touch you, comfort you but he let it be. He knew you wouldn't let him touch you.

"If you really didn't want to you wouldn't have done that. I'm done with you so stay away." You pulled yourself together and turned around, facing him confidently.

"Look, I'm really sorry, (Y/N)-chan. I-I don't know why I did that but she doesn't mean anything at all! You do. You are the only girl who matters so please don't let such a thing come between us." He looked into your eyes, tears filling in his ones.

"You let such a thing come between us."

You had a cold look in your face. Eyes were dead and about to kill Oikawa.

"I'm begging you." He whispered, looking down so you wouldn't see his tears.

"Are you done bothering me, Oikawa-san? I'd like to continue my practice."

His heart was torn into thousand pieces. Were you really feeling nothing? There was no way. Why couldn't you just forgive this one mistake he made?

"Are you kidding me?" He looked up again, into your dry eyes.

"I'm dead serious, Oikawa-san. Please leave if you got nothing important to say."

"Quit the bullshit, (Y/N)! I know you're hurt! Stop pretending and let's just talk it out already!" He raised his voice.

You ignored him and turned around. You were about to walk away when he suddenly pulled you back by your wrist. Before you could react, you felt his warm lips on yours. He cupped your cheek with his large hands, not letting you pull away.

After seconds of you not kissing back, he finally let go, analyzing your expression.

"I see, you go around and kiss girls who aren't your girlfriend a lot." You said, referring to him cheating on you.

Without awaiting an answer you just walked over to the other side of the court and picked the balls up. You left him speechless for sure.

"I'm not in the mood of practicing anymore, so please leave so I can lock the gym." You put the balls in the ball cart and made your way to the storage room.


The next day you told the girls everything about what happened after they left. Sato and Kuroshio laughed while Kobayashi just listened and the others were kinda feeling bad for him.

"And how are you going to get close with Yūma-senpai?" Takashi asked.

"I'll just ask him to help me in Maths. Simple as it is."

"Is he even good at it?" Kobayashi asked.

"Yeah, he used to help me out a lot." Takashi answered.

"Don't you think he knows that you're good at it too, (L/N)? Everyone knows how much of a nerd you are."

"I'll just say that I didn't get the new topic because I wasn't listening. It's not that hard. He's been trying to get my attention for so long now." You smiled.

"I feel so bad, (L/N)-senpai." Takashi said.

"C'mon you guys. Did you forget about the time when he dumped that one girl just because she gained weight over the winter break?" You raised your left eyebrow.

"Right! Such an asshole!" Sato said, making you giggle.

"Bad influence." Kuroshio said from the corner, making now the others giggle too.

"I hope this will make him die of jealousy or whatever." You mumbled, taking a bite of your sandwich.

"She's obsessed." Kobayashi commented.

"I'll leave Nakamura to you." You winked at Sato, ignoring Kobayashi's comment.

"I'll handle her." Sato smiled.

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