Chapter 15: Jiki Fusako pursues the girls

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       "Exactly, Azumi." said Marina.

"As a matter of fact, where's Jiki Fusako?" Tamayo asked, wondering where she is.

"Right here!" Jiki Fusako appeared mysteriously, shocking Mayu and her friends. "So, you girls saved the real Fusako, aren't you? That's a good one."

"It's the porcelain figure that kidnapped me!" Fusako exclaimed in horror as Hoby hissed at her threatningly.

"Stupid cat..." Jiki Fusako continued as she blew a raspberry at him.

"Watch out, you porcelain loser! Fusako is our friend and we frequently go to school with her!" said Kira.

The Porcelain figure growled threatningly and furiously as Mayu and her friends started to run away, In order to escape from her. They went into some buildings as they has hid themselves in some statues. Jiki Fusako stared at one of them, thinking it's a real person. "Excuse me, have you seen a group of girls and a stray cat?" She asked.

"They went to the left!" Mayu pointed her finger to the left.

"Thank you." Jiki Fusako went to the left, only to encounter some squirrels in the trees, who dropped some acorns at her. "Why, you....!"

"Oh my stars!"

The girls kept running as they went into the first building to avoid being attacked by the evil porcelain figure. They fooled her by pretending that they are the residents of the local place before throwing some pies at her face. Angered, she began chasing them as she almost grabbed Marina by the ankle. But, realized that she caught a dummy and went after them.

"Come back here, sleuths!" Jiki Fusako ordered.

"That porcelain freak is the responsible for kidnapping you, Fusako! We were looking for you and your whereabouts!" Marina stated.

"You mean the porcelain me?" said Fusako.

"I would love to crush you into pieces, silly!" Kira claimed as she opened a door in the floor.

"C'mon, girls! Get in!"

They went downstairs before Jiki Fusako went to get them. She tried to open it, but no avail due to the door being locked. She pulled out a hammer and started to destroy the floor with the girls inside, who are hiding. She has hit three times to reveal a hole on it. Jiki Fusako started to look for the girls by sticking her hand into the floor, trying to grab something.

The girls gasped in horror as Jiki Fusako's hand is looking for something. "Gosh! That hand is mean!" said Hisa.

Hoby meowed in agreement. "You're right, Hoby." stated Fusako.

"What are we going to do?" Tamayo asked.

"We'll teach this piece of ceramic a good lesson!" said Hisa. "Do you have any ideas?"

"We'll trick her, girls!" said Mayu.

"What did you say, Mayu?" Marina and the girls were surprised.

Moments later, the girls disguised themselves as the fake Fusako's teachers as they unlocked and opened the door before coming out.

"There you are!" She exclaimed as she prepared to attack them, who are disguised as teachers.

"Jiki Fusako! What are you doing, huh?" Mayu shouted with a gruff voice.

"Teacher! What are you doing here? I thought that you-"

"My turn!" said Hisa. "No time to explain, girl! You're in trouble!"

"Trouble?! For what?!"

"For what, Marina?" Azumi whispered.

"We'll see..." Marina winked her eye at her friend. "For stealing everything!"

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