My only sunshine

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"Hey Sero, do you mind hanging out after school? I wanna chat", Mina called out during the final break.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. I have to do my homework but I can just do it after", he sent a small smile towards the tawny-brown girl.

She smirked like she always did when she knew something others didn't. Sometimes it meant someone was about to get pranked, other times it meant she would pry out a secret the other had. Sero had a feeling it wouldn't be the first.

The final lesson crawled on slowly as Sero tried to concentrate on the impacts of World War II on Europe, but his eyes kept landing on a certain blond sitting a bit ahead and to the right from him.

How he could look so pretty without even trying was a complete mystery to Sero. He probably didn't even know that himself. Sero hoped he knew.

He was interrupted from his thoughts by a crumpled paper landing on his head. He tried opening it as quietly as possible so he wouldn't get caught.

Just ask him out already

The boy blushed furiously and proceeded to stuff the paper to his pencilcase. He turned his head around to see who was the one who threw it, but no one looked suspicious enough. He sighed and returned to his messy notes. He really had to try and learn something.


"So. What did you wanna talk about?" Sero asked after the bell had finally rung and the teacher had dismissed the class.

"You know. Stuff", the girl answered, fixing her pink curls behind her ear.

No, Sero didn't really know. The things she meant by stuff varied from a four-leaf clover she'd found to the death of her grandma in last July. He sighed.


Stuff turned out to not be neither of those things, as Sero stepped into the pink room and the door was slammed shut behind him. In the matter of seconds he was pushed down on the bed with Mina stradling him and hovering above his face on her hands and knees.

"Woah, Mina, I thought you were lesbian" Sero questioned, pushing his head down to the mattress to get at least some space between the two of them.

"Hu..? Oh my goodness, Sero, no. I'm just trying to be intimidating. Not that straight bullshit here, please. I was gonna ask about what's going on between you and Kami", she shook her head and sat up on Sero's thighs. The girl didn't have a sense of personal space, that had been apparent from the first time they met.

"What do you mean? We're friends", Sero mumbled, suddenly finding the roof extremely interesting.

"Oh shut up, Sero, you're not fooling anyone. Well, exept maybe Kaminari, but that's beside the point. Do you like him?"

"I- Maybe a little..." Sero trailed off quietly, as if he wasn't really paying attention to the question.

"A little, sure. Are you gonna tell him?" the girl demanded.

"I don't know yet..."

Mina sighed, flopping down on the bed next to him.

"You totally should", she said, staring at the ceiling.

"I don't know. He's my best friend and I don't wanna ruin it", Sero muttered.

"So you think he wouldn't want to be your friend anymore if he doesn't feel the same?"

Sero was quiet for a while. Kaminari really wasn't that kind of person.

"I- I don't think so but it's just... so revealing in a way, you know? It's scary to let someone see something that's so personal and fragile. You don't know how the other person will react to somethng like that and there's a chanse they'll end up hurting you."

Mina hummed.

"I see your point and I'm not going to tell him or make you tell him or anything, I'm just giving you another point of view. Maybe you've got a bigger chanse with him than you thought."

The two of them ended up chatting more about the subject, until they seriously had to do their homework. Sero thanked Mina for her advice and headed to the stairs.


"Heyo dude, wanna go to the roof?"

Sero turned around to face a familiar bush of yellow hair. He smiled a bit.

"Yeah, sure. I'll finish eating and I'll be right there", he replied, poking the bit of rice he still had on his plate. The other smiled brightly and went to the stairs, happy bounce visible on his steps. Sero cuckled to himself, watching behind the other. He was so adorable.

He quickly finished and made his way all the way up the stairs to the roof. He breathed in the slightly cool air. He felt his body lose the slight tension there was, and his mind let go of unnecessary worries.

Kaminari was sitting a bit ahead of him, legs pulled up to his chest, gazing at the view below. Sero made his way up to the boy and sat down next to him. The shorter turned his head and flashed a bright smile, successfully releasing a bunch of butterflies in Sero's stomach and making him feel giddy.

Neither of them said a word, the sun silently setting down and making the colours dance on the sky.

It was calm and quiet, the sounds of the city not quite reaching their bubble of peace. It was almost hypnotic, barely even making itself visible. All the pressure was completely lifted and the two of them just sat there, enjoying the quiet presence of another person.

The air was unusually still, as if it felt how delicate yet strong the atmosphere was, and didn't want to break it. It was cool, but not too cold, just chilly enough for it to feel sleepy in a way.

The sun had now completely set, but the last rays still held on, not wanting the day to end, reflecting from the clouds and turning them beautiful shades of pinks and purples. They covered the whole sky, making the world bathe in their light, everything seeming redder than usual.

Sero spotted two stars at the very top of the sky, peeking through the veil of clouds. It was quite unusual due to the city lights below them, but the pair still shone brighty to reach his sight.

"Isn't it crazy how close the stars seem to be although there are billions of lightyears between them?" Sero said quietly, not breaking the relaxed atmosphere.

"I think it's poetic in a way. We look around and think we're all alone in an ocean of people but in reality everyone's just as lonely", Kaminari answered, now spotting the same two stars.

Sero turned his head towards the other. His gaze was fixated upwards on the stars, hair falling back over his shoulders. The light softly caressed his face, making it look like he was glowing. Maybe he was. Sero couldn't figure out how anyone could look that pretty.

Before he got caught staring, he turned his eyes back on the sky and laid down on his back.

"Keep your shirt on, Hemingway, I wasn't thinking nearly as deep", he chuckled, partially to distract himself from the awe he was in.

"Ah, shut up, Sero, and let me be poetic", Kaminari laughed, not taking offense. He knew the other wasn't serious.

You are my Sunshine ~KamiseroWhere stories live. Discover now