You'll never know dear how much I love you

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Tw: mentions of depression

Sero woke up to someone running their fingers through his hair. It was nice so he didn't make any effort getting up.

"Good morning."

That's about it for pretending to be asleep.
"Morning", Sero mumbeled to the chest in front of him "How'd you figure out I woke up?"
"Magic", the other boy smiled.

That was something funny about Kaminari. You could hear it from his voice when he smiled. That might have just been Sero's favourite sound in the entire world.

"Well aren't you quite a witch then, huh?"
"A wizard, Sero. Witches are women and wizards are men. I'm a wizard."
"No. Wizards are the ones with spellbooks and white beards. Witches are the ones with broomsticks and shit. You're definetely a witch."
"Well if you say so then", he laughed.

Nope, take that back. His laugh was definetely Sero's favourite sound. It sounded like what blowing bubbles felt like.

Yeah, Sero was gone.

"How are you feeling?" Kaminari asked.
"Tired, but better than yesterday. Do you have any idea how long I slept for?"
"Well it was 10.30 a little while ago. I think you fell asleep at around eight or so? Over fourteen hours."

Sero was silent for a minute and tried processing that information. After a hard day it was usually hard for him to fall asleep, especially if he was alone, but he'd sleep for super long when he finally did fall asleep.
"Wait. Did you say 10.30?"
"Yeah. I didn't wanna wake you up."
"Ah shit", he mumbeled and crawled out of bed. He slumped over to his drawer and took a bottle. He poured one pill to his hand, weighed it a moment and then decided to not care. He threw it in his mouth, put the bottle back and crashed back down on his bed, where Kaminari instantly scooted next to him, resulting in Sero's heart going haywire.

//Sorry AN here but I accidentally wrote gaywire and honestly that's even better//

"Did you just take that dry?" he whispered."
Sero hummed in response.
"Wow. That's badass."

Sero turned his head to look at the blond next to him.
"No. That's 'I don't care'", he laughed.
"Well I think it is. It's always a pain in the ass for me to swallow pills. I once refused to swallow a pain killer for so long it dissolved in my mouth. It tasted horrible but hey, at least I didn't have to swallow it."
"Why can I see you doing that?"
Kaminari only shrugged.

"Do you feel like you'd manage to come to the arcade with us?" Kaminari asked after a moment of silence and playing with Sero's hair. Which felt amazing in the latter's opinion.
"That's today? I was really looking forward to doing absolutely nothing today..." Sero groaned.

"I mean you don't have to come if you don't feel like it, but it would be much better if you were there with us, you know", Kaminari said with a voice so sad, that Sero's heart broke a little.

"Ughhh... Fine. But don't blame me if I get exhausted halfway. You have been warned."
The other's face lit up.
"Yay, thanks! And don't worry about it. We'll go at your pace."

His eyes spotted a bowl still sitting on the table.

"Hey um... Did I even thank you for saving my depressed ass?"
"Yeah, you did. Don't worry about it. I do it because I want to anyway."

Sero was silent for a moment.
"You do?"
Kaminari hummed.
"Oh. Why?" he whispered.

Kaminari moved so he was looking at the other in the eye.
"Because I care about you."

It was so sincere that Sero couldn't help but believe it. It made him feel incredibly loved and cared for. Not maybe romatically, but maybe that didn't matter. Kaminari was there and he cared about Sero and Sero cared about him and they were friends.

He didn't want to ruin it.

//Some fluff for these trial times//

You are my Sunshine ~KamiseroWhere stories live. Discover now