I'll always love you and be there for you

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Tw: mentions of depression and suicidalness

//I watched the fucking anime just to make the joke. Now I have a pinterest board called 'The holy book of incest'. You rats better be grateful ):< ❤ (this comes from a place of love)//

Also I did way too little research on cherry trees on this one, excuse me if it's not accurate//

Kaminari glanced at the boy walking ahead of him, smiling a bit to himself. He was so glad Sero had agreed to going out with the friendgroup, having him there made it feel complete.

He had seemed like he had fun at the arcade, and that made Kaminari's heart swell with joy. Due to his depression, it was often hard to get him out of his shell and genuenily enjoy himself.

This had definetely been one of those days and Kaminari couldn't be happier.

He thought a bit back to the game hall where they had left a bit ago. They had all played games after games, everyone getting to pick few of their favourite.

Mina had of course went for Just Dance, and as a surprise to no one, had been good at it. What was actually surprising though, had been the fact that Kaminari had succeeded in it as well.

Next up had been one of those racing machines, picked by Kirishima. Him and Bakugou had been close to eachother at the final score, Bakugou winning by only few points.

Speaking of Bakugou, he had chosen the air hockey table and ended up battling against Mina for almost fifteen minutes. The orange piece of plastic had swung across the table so fast Kaminari had lost the understanding of what was even going on. Him and Sero had decided to go for another game against eachother in the meanwhile.

After Bakugou and Mina had finally finished their game with Bakugou winning by only one point, they had headed to Kaminari's choise of game, which had been the basketball hoops. Sero had had an advantage with his height, he had easily leaned over the edge and tossed the ball inside. He had won that, having almost double the score than everyone else.

And finally, Sero's choise of game had been Pac Man. Mina had absolutely sucked, her score had been terrible. Bakugou and Kaminari had been medicore, Kirishima good, and again, Sero had won with an incredible score. He had even reached the leadboard.

"Hey, I have to pick something from the store, will you guys wait for a moment?" Kirishima asked as they reached the bus stop.

"Yeah, of course. We still have like twenty five minutes till our bus comes. We'll wait here", Mina answered for everyone.

"Hold the fuck up, I'm not staying here with these fuckasses, I'm coming with you", Bakugou grumbled, to exactly no one's surprise.

"Fine, you grumpy old man", Kirishima chuckled, earning a death glare from his boyfriend. The two of them disappeared to the store across the street.

There was a park about just thirty meters away and the group decided to go there. Mina texted the other two where they went.

It was just that time at spring when the cherry trees were blossoming at their prettiest. Some petals were already on the ground, but most were still on the trees. The park looked really beautiful in all it's pink and white colours.

The friendgroup found themselves at an especially old looking tree. The faint, sweet scent filled Kaminari's lungs as he breathed it. He loved spring.

"Hey, look! There's someone's ball up there!" Sero noticed. Kaminari walked closer to the spot, under the branch with Sero. Soon enough Mina joined them, gazing up the tree.

And he was right. There, on the branch sat a blue ball, probably long forgotten already.

"I'm gonna get it", Sero decided.

"The trunk is way too even for you to climb", Mina pointed out and walked next to it, running her hand along it to feel the texture.

Sero pointed out to the lowest branch, which he could reach when he jumped.

"I'm just gonna get up here", he decided.

"Alright, go off I guess", Kaminari looked up, oblivious to what would happen.

As Sero jumped, hundreads of cherry petals fell from the branch, raining on the two boys.

"KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE," Mina shouted from where she had been standing, safe from the sudden pink curtain.

Kaminari, who had been looking up, was blinded by all the petals and other trash falling to his eyes. He blushed at the accusation and quickly turned away from Sero to hide it.

"Mina I'm literally blind, shut the fuck up and help me. I think I got one in my eye", Kaminari whined, trying to stumble closer to the girl.

Mina walked up to him and forced his eye open.

"Oh wow, you really got one in there. Your reflexes are terrible", she said, examining the petal and few pieces of dirt in there "You gotta trust me, I'm gonna poke your eye a little."

"Poke my eye? With those nails?" Kaminari repeated, gesturing to Mina's long, pointy fingernails "Nuh uh, I don't think so."

"Well what do you prefer then? Do it yourself? Obviously I'm mot gonna poke your eyes, I'm gonna be careful."

"Can't Sero do it?" Kaminari whined, looking up to the tree where he had disappeared into.

"Nahh, bro, I wouldn't trust me near anyone's eyes. Besides, my hands are full of this wierd tree dirt stuff", he called from somewhere up the tree.

Kaminari whined and returned to Mina.

"Okay but if you poke me I'll never let you copy my english homework again, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, you big baby", she laughed and pulled his eyelids open.


"Can you three like not be left alone?" Bakugou grumbled as the two returned to the group "Kaminari got trash in his eyes and Sero's in a fucking tree? What are you, five?"

By his side, Kirishima was laughing his lungs out. Bakugou was right, but it was hilarious. Without a warning, Sero's head dropped from the tree. His legs, which were folded over a branch, were still hidden under all the baby pink blossoms. The boy hanging upside down grinned misheviously and threw the ball straight at Bakugou's head, the object landing on it's goal. That resulted in Kirishima bursting to another fit of laughter and Bakugou's expression becoming deathly.

"Do you wanna die, soy sauce fuck?" he grumbeled, glaring at the taller.

"Yeah, kinda", the other sighed and got back up to the tree, resulting in everyone freezing up and getting uncomfortable. Well, exept Kaminari.

"Sero you gotta stop joking about wanting to die", he sighed.

"But like it's not like it isn't true."


"I have depression, what did you expect? Besides, you have no idea how great of a coping mechanism it is. Well, at least if people laugh along", he said and threw a playful glare at the other three.

"Alright. Anyway, should we head back to the bus stop?" Kaminari let the subject go and the group left the park.

//Apparently I like making Sero climb trees

Also I have no idea what's going o the last few pharagaphs, I had a plan but got distracted and forgot it but I'm also too lazy redo it ahaha//

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