I'll protect you from harm's way

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⚠️Tw: depression, mentions of being suicidal


Kaminari had been keeping a close eye on Sero the whole day. The boy was good at hiding his tiredness and Kaminari knew the others wouldn't notice it as quickly. He knew they all wanted everyone to have fun and it wasn't fair on Sero to tire him intentionally.

So when he felt a sudden shift in the other's presence, he knew it was time to get back to the dorms. He squeezed his knee softly to gain his attention.
"You alright? Let's get back when we finish eating, yeah?" he said quietly.
"Yeah. Okay", he heard a response.

Soon enough they had eaten and headed towards the bus stop, Sero and Kaminari trailing just slightly behind the rest. The others had soon enough caught on what was going on and didn't protest when Kaminari suggested going straight back to campus.

The bus ride was fairly quiet apart from Kirishima and Mina's muted chatter in front of Sero and Kaminari, who were sitting next to eachother.

Kaminari took a careful glance at Sero. The boy was sitting on the window seat, gaze directed out. Although it seemed like he was deep in thought, Kaminari had a feeling that his mind was blank, numb, lacking emotion. Sero had tried explaining how he felt but it was hard to grasp since he couldn't recall ever feeling anything of the sort. However, he tried to be as understaning as he could, he wanted to help his best friend as much as he could.

He let his gaze drift away from Sero's face, mindlessly staring into space. It wasn't until he heard a snicker from behind him.

"Kami your gay is showing."

He flipped his head around to see Mina sticking her head in between his and Sero's seats. A slight tinge of red found itself on Kaminari's cheeks without a permission, giving away his embarrasment.

"Mina! Shut the fuck up!" he hushed quietly and turned back on his seat, hearing the chuckles coming from the girl.

But she was right. He had totally been staring. He discreetly directed his gaze back towards Sero's hand.

He really wanted to hold it.

He could just... reach out and take it, run his thumb over his knuckles and squeeze it slightly in attempt to comfort him. It looked so warm and soft... Maybe Kaminari would find comfort in such simple act himself too.

"Ayo lovebirds, we're almost there", Kirishima called out from the seat before them, waking the blond from his thoughts.

"You're the one to talk, Kiri", Kaminari laughed, looking at him cuddling with his boyfriend. He then nudged Sero slightly.
"Hey. Let's go", he said quietly. Sero only mumbled something inaudible.
"Come on, we're almost there. Then we don't have to do anything, right?"
"Yeah. I guess so", Sero muttered but continued to stare out the window.

The bus finally came to a stop and Kaminari got up. He backed slightly to allow Sero to go first, just to make sure he actually got up from the bus. Once out, they headed towards the school. It wasn't a long walk, only a few minutes.

Kaminari caught a glimpse of Sero's face and felt his heart sink. It was completely void of emotion, blank and unbothered. He had seen that look dozens if times before, but it never failed to rise emotion in him. If he was completely honest, it even scared him to see his usual playful and calm expression replaced by his illness. What would he ever do to take that pain away, Sero deserved happiness, not this bullshit. But he knew there wasn't much he could do. Just be there for him and make sure he was taking care if himself at most.

And that hurt like hell. But he'd do whatever he could, even if it wasn't much.

Finally back at the dorms the group had a quick goodbye and everyone went back to their own dorms. Well, at least Mina went. Kaminari was absolutely certain Kirishima and Bakugou would go to one of their rooms and be cheesy for the rest of the day. Kaminari on the other hand followed Sero all the way up to his dorm to make sure he didn't collapse halfway up the stairs and just stay there for hours till someone found him and reported to Kaminari to come take care of him.

They reached the top floor and Sero let the two in.
"Can you cange out of your jeans before going to bed? They're gonna be uncomfortable, you know", Kaminari asked before Sero reached his bed. He recieved an inaudible murmur which he took as a yes and went to search the closet for sweatpants or something of the sort.

"Actually you know what, here's a t-shirt too. Put it on if you feel like it, I'm gonna go change and get you a glass of water or something and be right back, okay?" Kaminari informed, left the clothes on the bed and headed towards his room a few floors down.

After changing and grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen he got back to Sero's room. He knocked, but when he got no response, he got in to see Sero laying face down on his bed. He had changed, but the previous clothes were scattered all over his bed and floor.

"Hey. I brought you some water, can you drink it for me?" he asked softly while walking over to him. Sero groaned but pushed himself up to sit. Kaminari gave him the glass. While the taller was sipping on his water, Kaminari picked up the clothes and threw them to the half-full hamper next to the closet. He then sat down next to Sero and waited for him to drink.

After a while he heard something, and lifted his gaze to Sero. He was still holding the now half-empty glass, staring at it.

"I'm sorry?" he asked quietly, not having caught what the other had said.
"Could... Could you stay..?" he heard Sero whisper, still looking at the glass. Kaminari smiled a bit.
"Yeah, of course. Are you done?"
Sero only nodded and Kaminari picked up the glass to set it down on the nightstand. He then crawled next to Sero, who had flopped down on the bed and pulled the covers over them.

Kaminari knew it was rather asshole-y, but sometimes he couldn't help but enjoy the moments when he got to be there for Sero and just... Overall feel important and needed.

Not that he otherwise didn't, but it was to have someone relying on him exclusively and have other people recognize that as well. Just knowing that Sero trusted him out of all people to stay with him? That did funky things to Kaminari's heart.

For a long while the two just laid there, listening to each other's slow breaths. It was comfortable, the balnket created a warm cocoon and the way their bodies fit together so softly was entirely too nice. Sero was laying half on top of him and he liked the extra weight.

Now, if they only could do this more... casually. On those days when Sero didn't want to collapse on the sidewalk and just stay there until he would freeze to death or when Kaminari wasn't upset. So they could both enjoy it equally and not have the idea of tomorrow crushing them to pieces.

Kaminari waitet patiently for the long while it took for Sero to fall asleep. When he finally felt his breaths even out, he dug himself even closer and let his conciousness drift away to peaceful sleep.

//Anyway. Despite my rant like yesterday I have the final chapters written and I'll post them by the end of the week to make up for whatever this shit was.

Oh and I changed my name to Aleksi and go by they/he so um 👉👈

Have a nice day lmao//

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