Please don't take my sunshine away

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Tw: mentions of depression

"Are you really sure you want me to come? I'll just get tired and ruin the mood", Sero mumbeled as they made their way to the bus stop. The clock was around 3pm like they had agreed.

"Of course we do. Just stop worrying, will ya?" Mina chimed from behind him.

'Well gee, why didn't I think of that', Sero thought as he stuffed his hands to his pockets but didn't say anything. He took a glance of Kaminari in front of him. He wondered how someone could look so good in such an effortless look. He was wearing a white t-shirt, a pair of black jeans and a blue jean jacket that was full of patches and pins.

How he managed to look like that in pretty much everything was a mystery to Sero. He swore the boy would look good dressed in a trashbag. Maybe he really was a witch? Or maybe Sero was just being gay.

But in all honesty all of his friends looked good. Mina was as extra as always, dressed in a pink skirt, knee-high socks and a cropped sweater, Kirishima was sporting a ripped pair of black jeans, a red flannel tied around his waist and a shirt he had definetely stolen from Bakugou. Who also, in fact, looked like he came staight from a magazine in his olive cargo pants and a black t-shirt.

Sero himself hadn't put much thought to his outfit. He had pulled a random pair of jeans from the closet and searched for an oversized sweater he owned. It was the type of cloth that just looked good no matter what. It was also his favourite shirt so he hoped it would bring him some comfort to get through the day and have fun.

It was nothing new that he had beautiful friends, not at all. He looked at their faces every day. It was just that he didn't reach those beauty standards himself.

He had accepted the fact that he was the worst-looking member of the squad. He knew he had other abilities that made him just as worthy as the others, but he'd be lying if he said there weren't moments he felt a little insecure and jealous about it. Not that he'd admit it out loud though.


The arcade wasn't stuffed with people, which Sero was thankful for. The less people the less drained he'd feel.

"What games do you guys wanna check out?" Kirishima asked after they had all spent way too much money on tokens at the machine.

"Hm, I don't really care yet. I've never been here so I'm not sure what they have but how about we just check around?" Mina suggested.

They all agreed, and so they were off, walking around in the dark, dusty room filled with colorful lights.

At some point Sero got a horrible headache. His head was pulsing, he could hear his heartbeat pounding in his head. He felt dizzy and needed to sit down.

"Hey I got an headache, I'm gonna go grab some water from the café. I'll be right back", he informed the others. Before he could leave, Mina let out a weird squeal and started to rummage through her bag.

"Here", she finally said, pulling a little strip out of the bag "I got some pain killers."

"Which ones are these?" Sero asked, taking the couple pills from the girl.

"Just some ibuprofen. Why?"

"Gotta check if it goes with my meds. Thanks, I'll be right back", he said and turner around, heading to the café.

"Hey! Wait up, I'll come with you", he heard a cheery voice behind him.

"Huh?" he turned around, seeing a blond bush of hair making his way though the people. Kaminari was so short, it was incredibly cute.

He reached the taller boy, and the two of them continued their way out of the game hall in silence.

"Aren't you getting anything?" Sero asked after paying for his water.

"No, I just wanted to come with you", the other said and shot a beaming smile towards him, resulting something dropping in Sero's stomach.

The boys found themselves a table and sat down. Sero took a sip of his water and dry swallowed the pill afterwards. Then he drank more water.

"Why would you take it dry if you have water right there?" Kaminari asked in confusion. Sero shrugged.

"I dunno. Cause I can I guess."

The blond just stared at him with an awestruck expression, eyes sparkling. Sero felt heat rising to his cheeks and slammed his head to the table, letting his hair cover the deep red on his face. Why was he even blushing now? The other hadn't even said anything worth blushing. Kaminari was of course oblivious to his situation.

"Is it that bad?" he asked.

"Oh. It's pretty bad. I feel like my head's gonna explode."

"Lift your head", Kaminari ordered.


"Lift your head. I'll show you something."

Sero did as he was told and Kaminari took his head on his hands. He cupped both of his cheeks over his ears and the sound in the arcade muffled to the background. Sero's eyes trailed their way Kaminari's golden yellow ones, finding so many unnamed emotions there. He had turned around in his chair, so they were now facing eachother. Kaminari softly pulled him closer.

What the hell was happening? Was this boy gonna kiss him? Right now? Right here? He wasn't ready for that! He wasn't mentally or physically ready for any of it. What if he was a terrible kisser?

Wait... Would there be consequences? What the hell, of course there would! He couldn't face that now. He was not prepared to move to the next level with his crush, or... DID THIS MEAN KAMINARI LIKED HIM TOO!?

Or then it could be weird and awkward and he didn't want that either! He had now accepted the fact that the two of them would stay friends and nothing more, he didn't want to ruin it. What if the boy would hate him?

And then everything got lost to the pain.

He quickly shuddered away, but Kaminari had a tight grip on his face.

"Aagh! What the hell, Kami?" he cried out.

And then the pain was gone and so was his headache. He relaxed to the touch and let out a small sigh.

"What'd you do", he mumbeled, letting his eyes fall shut.

"Here's a pressure point. I used to get really bad headaches and some specialist told me about the trick", Kaminari answered, pressing his thumb on Sero's forehead.

"Oh. Thanks."

Of course. What was he even thinking? He had actually thought the boy was gonna kiss him? Jesus Christ.

//I always hate how it sounds when I write outfit descriptions so I decided that I just gotta do something about it. Sorry if it is trashy, I really tried//

You are my Sunshine ~KamiseroWhere stories live. Discover now