You're my beautiful sunshine

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//Another chapter that I really like lol. Anyway I hope you enjoy ^-^//

Kaminari woke up feeling absolutely amazing. Yeah, sure his eyes felt puffy and sensitive, his throat was a little sore and his nose felt stuffy, but he was in a good mood. He had no idea why.

He should probably get up and make some breakfast. He was usually one of the first people awake, Bakugou and Tsu the only other early birds in the 2a dorm. He was most of the time the one who made coffee for the rest of the class though, Bakugou only waking up to do his morning exercise and Tsu drinking green tea in the mornings. It really fit her aesthetic, although the girl often denied it, playfully calling Kaminari an idiot.

He prepared to get up and enjoy his peaceful morning, only to feel something around him as he shifted. He peaked through his still closed eyelids to see Sero's sleeping face only centimeters apart from his own. Kaminari let out a small squeak (which he did not if anyone asked) and shut his eyes back.

Why in the everloving fuck was he sleeping with Sero?

He tried to return the events before falling asleep to his head. Had Sero had a bad day yesterday? No, if that was the case Kaminari would be the one cradling the other. Had he been rejected? The feeling of a cried face suggested that but... Who had he even asked ou-

Oh wait.

Oh no.

Oh shit oh fuck.

The events of last night struck his memory and he wasn't sure if he wanted to cry again or stab himself thirteen times.

He didn't have time to do either though, as his mouth seemed to have it's own mind and spread to a wide gring.

Sero liked him.

Like like liked.

Sero liked him.

His mind kept repeating that thought over and over again. Kaminari let the idea sink in, allowing it to take over his whole conciousness as he nuzzled closer to the taller. He inhaled slightly. Sero smelled like peaches, he'd probably washed his hair the night before. He sniffed once more, just for good measure, and closed his eyes to drift off back to sleep. No way he was getting up from here.


Sero woke up to slight sniveling beside him. It wasn't like someone was crying though, it sounded kind of like babies do when they sleep. Kaminari was a loud sleeper. Not snoringwise, though, his breathing just sounded oddly restricted. It was weird, but Sero didn't mind. He was a heavy sleeper so the noise didn't really bother him.

He pushed his face deeper into the other's hair and tightened his grip around him. This was definetely his ideal way of waking up-next to Kaminari.

He stayed awake for a while, just enjoying how Kaminari's body felt next to him. Warm and soft.

"Good morning", Sero felt in his chest after a while.
"Morning", he sighed slightly, not bothering to move anywhere "how'd you sleep?"
"Alright... I'm still sleepy though."
"To be expected. Do you feel any better?"
"Yeah", Kaminari said with a small voice "Thanks."
"Well I'm glad."

The two fell into a comfortable silence, both just enjoying the moment.

"You know, I'm really sorry", Sero said after a while of playing with Kaminari's hair.
"Hm? What for?"
"What I said yesterday. I didn't mean to ask you if you wanted water, I meant to ask something completely different but that's just how it came out, you know?"

Kaminari was quiet for a bit before answering with another question, "What did you mean to ask then?"
"Well, I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my boyfriend", Sero whispered, feeling his heart go in his chest, and being absolutely certain Kaminari felt it too.

"You know, asking for a friend, but is that offer still up?"

Sero thanked some possible god who might have made Kaminari the way he was, never too serious and ready to make it playful if the atmosphere needed it. He rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression.
"I don't know, I did take it down already, but I might reconsider if they're really cute."
"They're kinda cute but in compensation they'd really like to be your boyfriend", Kaminari said, looking up at Sero.
"Too bad then, I guess, cause I only know a really cute person who I'd like to date", Sero smirked, wanting Kaminari to admit he was cute. Really cute. Kaminari sighed.
"Okay, maybe they can be really cute if you really look into it", he finally admitted and chuckled.

Sero smiled and shifted, tightening his grip on the smaller. He had probably no idea how absolutely pretty he looked, hair all messy and sleepyness still overtaking his face. And then it hit him. The overbearing desire to kiss him.

"Yeah", he mumbeled, now thinking of something completely else, "I guess I really gotta reconsider it then."
"Yeah", Kaminari squeaked, very aware of the direction of Sero's thoughts, and completely aware of how close their faces were.

There was a moment of heated silence, when both of them knew what they wanted but not quite knowing how to move.

"Can I?" Sero mumbeled, not being able to tear his eyes away from Kaminari's lips to see if he was uncomfortable.
"Yeah", the latter whispered. It was barely hearable, but that was all he could muster in the moment and that was enough. Sero leaned in.

His nose grazed Kaminari's cheek and he seemed to hesitate for a moment before carefully placing his lips onto the other's in a soft kiss.

It wasn't heated or fast, it was more like a peck that lasted just slightly longer. No tongue, no movement, just a swift touch, like one would accidentally grace someone's hand while walking alongside them. It wasn't like anything Kaminari had read, he didn't feel fireworks in his stomach, he didn't grow desperate for more.

But fucking hell was it perfect for a first kiss.

//Andd that is it, I hope you enjoyed. Thank you to everyone who has read this and tagged along, I'm grateful for every single one of you ^-^

Also I like just reached 300 reads on this, thank you.

Wow I feel so accomplished now lol//

You are my Sunshine ~KamiseroWhere stories live. Discover now