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General POV
It was New Year's Eve and Clint was nervous. He had every reason in the world to be nervous. He was going to propose. They have been together for a while now. They've known each other for over 10 years. If they didn't get engaged soon they would never be able to find another time to do it. Since they are still on holidays that they were granted they still have 2 weeks of freedom, then it will be missions everyday and nothing else. Tonight was the night. The rest of the super secret boy band already knew that Clint wanted to propose tonight. They all agreed to help out. Clint had this grand idea where he was going to take Natasha out on a very fancy dinner and then, he was going to bring her home in one of Starks limousines then, they are going to ride up on the elevator but it is going to get "stuck" some how when they get closer to their floor, and when Natasha is at her lowest he is going to tell J.A.R.V.I.S. to start the elevator through an ear piece and finally, The couple is going to go up the rest of the avengers are going to distract Natasha while Clint gets prepared and then the magic happens. Clint just hopes that everything goes as planned. Natasha says yes they go off get married work
part-time at S.H.I.E.L.D. so they can raise a family but they both know that Fury would never let that happen. His two best assassins go off the grid, yea that's never going to happen in a million years.
At the fancy shmancy restaurant

' Clint this is so nice you taking me out to dinner like this on New Year's Eve.'
" well what else could I do. I have to treat my best girls sometimes."
' aww I'm flattered.'
" that was the plan."
' why are you doing this Barton? What did you do?'
" I did nothing there is no reason for this. I just wanted to have dinner with you."
' well you better not have any tricks up you sleeve.
" oh come on its New Year's Eve loosen up."
' ok but no skinny dipping we know what happened last time we tried that.'
" yeah that was sort of embarrassing."
' it was very.'
After dinner in the limousine
This was it Clint was going to propose to Natasha. He hopes everything will go well. If this went downhill Clint would probably end up leaving the avengers due to extreme awkwardness, and Natasha would never look at anybody again. They were going up the elevator. Clint was having a mini nervous breakdown . What if J.A.RV.I.S. doesn't listen? What if? What if? What if? But deep down he knew that he would be able to succeed. Only if however he tries hard. " Natasha I know this date was probably lame but..."
* le elevator stops*
" like I was but I wanted to make it special and I failed."
' it was special it wasn't lame I loved it.'
" no I can tell, you thought that I could have done better planning the date. But I didn't."
' I wasn't thinking that at all. I was thinking how lovely it was.'
" maybe now but I could tell in your eyes that you wanted the night to end."
' ok maybe for a bit but that was before I realized that you put so much effort into it. Before I realized that you cared.'
J.A.R.V.I.S. Was telling the rest of the avengers what they were saying. They were waiting for a code word.
" I know now that you think that I cared. I appreciate it and I want you to know that... Pink flowers are the best flower ever."
That was the code word the elevator started back up again. Clint was a little embarrassed to say pink flowers in front of his girlfriend but she will understand eventually.
' what? Pink flowers are the best flower ever?'
" yea I just wanted you to know that. Because thats what I'm going to be giving you everyday"
' why. What has gotten in to you? Is Loki here? Where is my Clint?'
" it's me Tasha, I'm right her."
' well then act like it. You're scaring me'
" I'm sorry I'm just nervous"
' nervous for what?'
" oh nothing I just have a meeting with fury tomorrow"
' oh I see. That is something to get nervous about'

On the roof

' Clint why are we up here?'
" because these guys want to see you"
Clint gestures to everyone else
' oh ok that's reasonable'
" I'm just gonna get something"
' ok I'll just hang out with these guys'

This was it, it was going to happen. Clint was going to propose. His new life will be starting based on one word. Yes. He goes and gets the ring. He chose a brilliant silver ring with her symbol of black widow on it that is red. It has an engraving on the inside of it that says my spider. He goes up but not before almost hyperventilating in the bathroom because he was so nervous. Clint goes up to the roof as quiet as air and goes behind Natasha, he gets down on one knee. Tony gestures for Natasha to turn around. When she turned around she was stunned.
' Clint what's going on?'
" Natasha I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. I knew then that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted to wake up to you beside me. I wanted to care for you. And you have provided all those things but one. I need that one. So what I am saying is Natasha will you marry me?"
' yes a thousand times yes I love you Clint.'
Clint got up and hugged and smothered Natasha in kisses.
" I love you. You know that right?"
' yes. I love you to Clint.'


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