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Mera's P.O.V

I toss in my bed for what feels like an eternity, never seeming to get comfortable on a mattress probably worth more money than I've seen during my entire life. Something doesn't feel right. And unfortunately due to the several different events that have occurred in the past seventy-two hours I had a plethora of situations to choose from when it came to what made me feel off.

My movement never disturbed the knights, they remained completely still at the three sides of my bed, their backs facing me. I throw the blankets off my body, groaning out of pure frustration. For a moment I wish I had been asleep and that I could blame every that had happened last night on a dream. My head was pounding, and no matter how much medicine I took the ache never left.

I scoot off the bed, sneaking past Ushar to use the restroom. My footsteps were quiet against the tile floor, careful not to wake Kylo- assuming he was actually sleeping. I hardly tip the top of the faucet up, the water barely dripping out of the tip. As I reach for a towel a hand slaps over my mouth and another binds my wrists together. I struggle, refusing to breathe in through my nose after noticing the cloth in between the person's palm and my face. Something else grabs my feet and attaches them together to where I can no longer kick.

The fight I put up is almost useless, no noise echoing through the bathroom. For a moment I stop, hearing the quiet cock of a gun in the silence. My heartbeat quickens as the cold metal touches the side of my head. I force my body to go limp, making the man holding me think I am unconscious from the toxins in the cloth. His grip on me loosens as he puts his blaster away, which I take as my opportunity to spin around and sit on the counter, kicking his chest with my feet.

The blow to his torso causes him to stumble backwards and drop his weapon. He catches the gun in the crook of his food, eliminating any threat of sound. He kicks his leg up and the blaster returns to his grip. The cloth is still stuck over my mouth, no matter how hard I shake my head it doesn't come off. My lungs begin to burn as they scream for me to breathe in. Even under his helmet I can see him smiling as he points the barrel at my chest, moving forward until it touches my skin.

I begin to see stars due to the lack of oxygen, and the man places his fingers under my chin and tips it up. "You're a pretty thing." He says, his voice sounding robotic from the synthesizers. His thumb grazes the bottom of the cloth, peeling it up slightly. I stretch my mouth out enough that the fabric unsticks from my face and I bite down on his gloved hand. He yells and as he briefly nurses his bleeding finger I slam my body into the button to open the door to Kylo's room. I fall on my back and yelp as the binders on my wrist tighten.

It's enough to alert the three knights in my room and in one kick Cardo has the door knocked down. He points his gun at the assassin's back, firing immediately. He groans as I turn my head to desperately find Kylo, who is no where in sight. The moment the man is dead the window in Ren's room breaks open, six other men swinging inside. I jump to my feet, Ap'lek using his weapon to cut the restraints on my wrists and ankles in on swing. I push both my hands out, the new group of assassins falling to their feet in just enough time for me to summon my lightsaber from my bedroom.

The moment I have the hilt in my hand every man in the room becomes a target, but my moment of pride is stripped away as screams echo from the hallway.

I briefly look to the three knights behind me, Ushar nods and begins to follow me while the other two take on the six men. I jump on the bed and my colleague practically destroys to the door to the outside. Right as we exit the room I stretch my hand out, Kylo's hilt flying into my grip.

We enter Nalda's quarters, and I spot her backing up into a wall as three assassins corner her. I pounce on the first, twisting his neck to the side. His arm spasms out of control, making him shoot his blaster at his friend. Finally, I re-ignite my lightsaber and thrust the red blade into the belly of the third. He collapses, his body limp on the ground.

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