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Kylo Ren's P.O.V

The blankets are ripped from my body, making me shoot up and immediately light my lightsaber. The Ewok squeals and drops the covers, hiding underneath them.

I sigh out of relief, awaiting for a disapproving look from Mera next to me. But as I turn to my left, she is no where to be found and the spot where she laid the night before is cold.

I slowly put my saber away, tugging the blanket off the small bear. He places his paws over his eyes, peeking briefly in between his claws to see if I'm still looking. "Where is Mera?" I ask quietly.

The fear is wiped from him as I speak with the soft tone and he grabs my hand, pulling me out of bed. "Wait, wait." I say, reaching for my shirt. He lets go momentarily, but as soon as the garment is over my head he hurriedly grabs my hand again.

After a little convincing that I can follow him without him holding my hand the entire time, he lets go and I walk closely behind him. He frequently checks over his shoulder, making sure I'm still there.

We walk down the creaky spiral staircase, my feet finally free of the fear of splinters as we stand on the grass. The Ewok tugs as my pants, leading me to the center of the forest floor of the Tree Village. He points to the wooden floor with two steps that elevate it off the ground completely.

Mera sits in the middle, legs criss cross to be as close to eye level to the Ewoks. She holds up three pieces of shaved wood, speaking clearly. "If you braid it, then it'll be stronger." She explains, demonstrating how to tie the bendy material. The animals sitting in front of her gasp in disbelief, trying their best to follow her instructions.

"And then-" she picks up a stick and sharp rock, "-when you tie these together it'll be sturdy." She smiles, showing her spear. They nod, slowly braiding their shreds of branch together.

The closer I get to her I notice the baby Ewok sitting in her lap that's mindlessly playing with her hair. Mera points to one of the dozen animals tying their sticks and stones together, "that looks so good!" She grins. The eleven others automatically raise their unfinished spears in the air, all wanting her approval. She gives each one a compliment, never repeating the same words to two.

One of them speaks to her and she shakes her head, "no I don't think Kylo will want to do that, but I'll let you teach me later today." She frowns, but follows it up with a smile.

Another Ewok on the opposite side of the first says something and she laughs, "I don't know if Be-Kylo is awake yet."

The baby bear in her lap tilts his head up, she looks down at him as she speaks. "He doesn't go by Ben anymore." She says quietly, bopping his nose.

An animal in the very back asks her something and I decide to step out of the shadows, wanting to hear what they ask. "I don't know where he went." Her eyes finally wander away from the group sitting in front of her and she finds me. "He's back." She smiles, pointing to the Ewok next to me.

"You look busy." I say, approaching her spear-making-class.

"And you look well rested." She beams, standing up and kissing my cheek.

"What time is it?" I ask, looking up at the sun for answers.

"Almost lunch." She shrugs, my mouth falls slightly ajar.

"Lunch?" I repeat, she laughs and nods.

I hum in disappointment, "You should've woken me up."

"You slept for 14 hours, you needed to rest." She says kindly, rubbing my chest before wrapping her arms around my neck. "Hungry?"

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