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~With Peter; 10:30 AM~

I received a missed call from Chris and I wonder what was going on. I quietly got out of bed and called Chris.

CJ: Hello?

Me: Chris, you were calling?

CJ: Yeah, man. Why didn't you pick up?

Me: I was asleep. What was it?

CJ: Last night, I made the announcement that I was stepping down as a wrestler and retiring from the ring.

Me: Wait! Seriously? You're on top! You shouldn't retire yet!

CJ: But I want to. My family wanted me to spend time with them. I can't not ignore them for long. Listen, I will be cheering you on in your NXT career, but my career in professional wrestling? I'm done man.

Me: Well, I can't stop you from making that decision, Chris. I wanna thank you personally for training me and entertaining me for the past 30 years. You're like the father I never had as a kid since my actual father passed away.

CJ: Thanks I appreciate it, Pete. Hey, if you're not doing anything, I want you to come by the house and hang with my family. You in?

Me: All depends on the girlfriend.

CJ: Wait, you have a girlfriend?!

Me: Yeah in the form of one Kairi Sane, the current NXT Women's Champion!

CJ: Oh, wow! Congrats! Anyway, I'll let you and Kairi decide when to come up, alright?

Me: Sounds good.

CJ: Take care.

Me: Same to you.

We both hung up as Kairi was waking up.

Kairi: Who was on the phone?

Me: It was Chris. He wanted to let me know that he's now retired from the ring.

Kairi: Oh, I didn't know.

Me: And he wants to know if you're interested in coming with me to see him and his family.

Kairi: What about our next date? You said I could choose.

Me: You're right. I'm sorry, baby. Well do that today, okay? Next Friday we'll go. Sounds like a deal?

Kairi: It's a deal.

We hugged and we went on our date.

~With Kairi; At The Cinema~

I brought Peter to the movies to watch a movie while on our second date. Turns out "Titanic" is back in theaters! I've heard of the events and the movie, but I never watched it before. It seemed interesting to me, and I wanted to ask my Peter if he's interested.

Me: Pete, wanna see Titanic?

Peter: I don't know, I'm not a fan of romance movies.

Me: Please? For me?

It took some convincing but nothing was working so I tried another option.

Me: What if, after the movie, we get home, and we... have some fun?

He was smiling and giggling. I WIN!

Peter: Alright.

We got the tickets and we saw the movie. At the end, there was a song that caught my attention. It sounded romantic, and I heard the lyric, "and my heart will go on, and on". It perfectly described my love for Peter!

Me: Peter?

Peter: Yeah, my girl?

Me: If we ever get married, can you play this at the wedding?

Peter: If you want me to do so.

Me: Yay!

We went home and had the "fun" I promised him.

~2 Hours Later~

I was exhausted, panting heavily, and sweating. It was the best "fun" I've ever had.

~With Peter~

Kairi sure knows how to work that tongue of hers. Her body is the one thing I'm in love with, but she is such a sweet and caring woman I've ever met. Something tells me I should propose, but I'll wait later on in the next year. I shouldn't rush into things.

((A/N): To me, when it comes to proposing to your boyfriend/girlfriend, not only is it about timing, but you gotta make it special so she/he should remember in years to come. Also, to clarify, do the door test. To me it's the most important thing when starting a relationship.)

My Heart Will Go On (Kairi Sane X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now