Virtual Message

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~With Peter~

While Kairi was out with some friends, I wanted to do a shoot promo on Naito. Kenny Omega has done something like this to Adam Cole when he was in Ring of Honor, so I wanna do something like that. I asked Hunter if he was interested in making a cameo appearance along with a lawyer. He said okay and we were able to make it happen. I got the video recording and I know what I wanted to say. I shh'd first and then started talking.

Me: Shh. No no no. This is Naito's special moment. How touching. I wish I can be there to comfort you for your loss, Tetsuya, but unfortunately I cannot. And Cesaro, I will admit, I'm rather impressed. The same man that has put you over to challenge me for the NXT Championship. I'm a man of my word when I say this. The NXT Universe is a special type of crowd. They want professional wrestling to be the best in this world and right now, at this moment, they will be chanting, "Thank-you Naito. Thank-you Naito. Thank-you Naito", because your run in NXT, in New Japan, and in professional wrestling, has been recorded, has been fulfilled, and has been storied. And if there's one thing I know about fairy tales Naito, there has to be a villain, and there has to be a hero!

The camera extended to show Hunter next to me, as well as a lawyer.

Me: Tetsuya Naito, consider yourself, officially, released from WWE.

The video ended and we edited it at the PC. What they did was they added my logo with a couple of explosions and the static to show me sitting down in a half burnt chair. Talking like Kenny Omega has done when he was "firing" Adam Cole from Bullet Club in 2017, and making Naito feel intimidated by my voice. And the finals is in the main event of NXT which was even perfect10n at its finest.


I brought Kairi with me to the show where she will witness the arrest of her ex. It's going to be magical in its own twisted way, to be honest. When we entered the arena, everyone was excited to see her back with a cast. They gave my girl hugs, even holding her hands together to show that they support her and want Kairi to come back as soon as possible.

And along came a spider named Tetsuya Naito, who saw her and wanted a hug, but Kairi refused as I put my arm around her saying this:

Me: *I suggest you step away because tonight, Hunter and I, we have a surprise for you.*

Naito: *Really? Then I'll wait.*

Me: *Stay tuned.*

We walked away as I have Kairi go into my locker room until the show is up.

~8:00 PM~

The show has began with the energetic "NXT " chant. I'll never get enough of it.

Match Card:

The Revival (c) v #DIY - Gargano and Ciampa reunited to go after the tag team titles, one last time.

Shayna Bayzler v Io Shirai w/ Kairi at ringside -although Kairi Isn't cleared time compete yer, this would be an opportunity to get a fresh start until then.

Mia Yim v Candice LeRae v Tegan Nox

Kieth Lee v Dominik Dijakovik (c)

Finals Match: Cesaro v Tetsuya Naito


#DIY def The Revival (c)

Gargano and Ciampa have been labeled as the number one contender for the tag team titles at Takeover: Las Vegas.

Shayna Bayzler def Io Shirai by disqualification

Kairi fried to save her friend, but she was held back by Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir while Shayna almost broke Io's ARM, giving the referee no choice but to call for the bell. Somehow, Kairi fought back by the help of RONDA ROUSEY. Rousey and Shayna had a stare down until Shayna got out of the ring as Ronda checked on Io, same with Kairi.

Tegan Nox def Mia Yim and Candice LeRae

Dominik Dijakovik (c) def Kieth Lee

Sportsmanship was shown after the match by the two big men hugging it out and celebrating with the fans.

~9:34 PM~

Cesaro v Naito was up next and my word, not only did they have great chemistry, they also made this the match of the night. I gotta give it the RVM (Reynolds' Valuable Match), because it showed how Cesaro wanted to win.

~9:53 PM~

The match ended with Naito setting up for the Destino Reversed DDT, but Cesaro countered with a Cesaro Swing and the Neutralizer for the win.

The entire NXT fans were ecstatic and were in awe!

Alicia: Here is your winner and moving on to challenge Peter Reynolds for the NXT Championship, CESARO!

Cesaro was on the brink of tears. This was an emotional win for him and I could understand that.

Then, the lights went out, the intro to the vignette played and the video was shown. The crowd went absolutely insane as my words were about to come out of my mouth, and they would be considered the promo of the year because of the last part where Hunter and a lawyer appeared beside me.

When the vignette finished, police surrounded the ring with Hunter on the outside with Naito's signed contract. Behind him was a trash can and I knew what was happening as I was in the back. Hunter took out a lighter, set the contract on fire, and threw it in the can as the crowd went insane.

An officer entered and placed handcuffs on Naito while another hand a mic in his hand.

Officer: Tetsuya Naito, you are under arrest for the assault on Peter Reynolds. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?

Naito nodded and didn't protest.

Officer: With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to us?

Naito: No.

Officer: Take him away.

The crowd was excited as he was going on to a home he's best at staying in: JAIL.

Once the show was over, I went to the trainer's room to see how Io was doing.

Me: *Are you okay, Io?*

Io was in tears, but smiled, reassuring me that she was okay.

Trainer: Io, turns out, you aren't severely injured, just a bruising.

I had to translate because she couldn't understand what the doctor was saying, although she knows how to speak English.

Me: *He said you aren't severely injured, it's just a bruising.*

She was okay with that and that meant Io was cleared to still compete.

Io went home, knowing that Shayna isn't going to hurt her again as the show went off the air.

I took Kairi home and we went to sleep, but we had to start packing to VIVA LAS VEGAS!

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