A Confrontation With Lesnar and A Certain Someone

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~With Peter; Raw~

Since Chris' "attack" and save, I was scheduled to do a promo on Brock, but Paul will be the one to interrupt me.

I can't curse like using "shit", "fuck", "c-word", "asswipe", "asshole", or "cock" because of the PG rating. So I think I have a way around that.

Back in 1996, on an episode of Raw, Stone Cold Steve Austin did an interview with Brian Pillman, a former tag team partner of Austin and who I thought was underrated as a performer before he committed suicide later on. That was where Steve did the sickest of burns against my hero growing up, Bret Hart.

Steve said, "If you put the letter 's' in front of 'Hitman', you'd get my exact opinion on Bret Hart."

Austin 3:16 says I just found a way around the content's format without using a curse word.

Anyway, I decided to do something like that, but with a word that's sometimes used: "hassle". I knew that I made an insult that could make Brock, Paul, Kairi, Chris, even the audience laugh out loud, but it will light the feud on fire. Later on, you'll find out. Stay tuned.

When we got there, Brock wanted to see me. I kissed Kairi's hand, as she went to catering.

Brock: Since the attack last week, you'll be doing a promo on me. You have any ideas?

Me: I do. And since I can't say any curse words cause the show's PG, my next bet is to use something that could light the fuse in our rivalry.

Brock: Sure. What would it be?

Me: It's this...

I told him and Paul the insult and they were laughing like crazy.

Paul: That's great!

Brock: That's pretty good! I didn't think you'd be that good!

Me: Yeah. I'm mostly inspired by you, Paul. Although every promo about Brock is the same, I always look to you, Steve Austin, and The Rock for inspiration.

Paul: That's good. I like that a lot! Well, I suggest you be ready. The show's about to start. You got your gear with you?

Me: I'm always prepared.

Paul: Good. Get on over there.

Me: See you later on, Paul.

Paul: Peter.

He wanted me for something and it was serious.

Pail: Come here before you leave.

I sat back down and what he said would piss me off.

Paul: Sad news, Peter. Vince is planning to involve Kairi to the storyline.

Me: What the fuck!

Paul: I know. I have to mention your relationship in my promo. I'm sorry, kid. Vince made me. I don't have a choice.

Me: I know you did what you could to keep it a secret. I forgive you for involving Kairi, but once the segment is over, I'm confronting Vince.

Paul: I'll stand by you.

Brock: Same here.

Me: Thank you so much, guys. Now let's get ready. We have an insult to take in.

We all left the office, but I was super pissed off at Vince for involving Kairi.

~8:00 PM~

I came out after the whole "then, now, forever" bit, and I was greeted by fans who wanted to slap my hand, get a couple too sweets, and a couple fist bumps.

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