Confessions and A Confrontation

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~With Peter; Wednesday~

Since my date with Kairi, it's been magical, but I never got to express my feelings because Io had to interrupt, but I forgive her anyway.

Triple H had said that he would set up a meet and greet for me since I was interacting with the fans before NXT last week. And oh boy, was I prepared for what's to come.

Fan 1: What's going on, Pete!

Me: Doing alright, how about yourself?

Fan 1: Couldn't wait to meet you.

Me: I know the feeling, man.

There were over 350 fans meeting me and while it was a good time, I was exhausted by people wanting a picture and an autograph but Kairi caught my eye when I walked backstage to see her.

Me: Hey, Kairi!

She turned around and smiled a smile that warmed my heart. We hugged.

Kairi: You seem a little tired. Anything wrong?

Me: No, just a meet and greet.

Kairi: How was it?

Me: The fans make your career no matter what.

Kairi: I intend to agree with you!

We both smiled and got into an awkward silence.

Kairi: If you don't mind me saying this because I...

Me: What is it?

Kairi: I have feelings for you.

I was surprised to hear that because I do too.

Me: Me too.

Kairi gasped.

Kairi: So, will you be my boyfriend?

Me: You know I will.

We hugged she was in tears a little bit, but Shayna of all people had to ruin it.

Shayna: Aww. How sweet. Kairi and Peter sitting in a tree: k-i-s-s-i-n-

Me: Gee you don't know when to shut your mouth, Shayna!

The entire locker room oh'd at my insult and she was beyond pissed.

Shayna: She's lucky she's champion, unlike you in NXT. I'm the queen of spades, you're nothing like me.

Me: "Queen of Spades"? I'll call bullshit. I don't see a crown so there's no point in calling yourself that.

Shayna has a look that could kill, but I wasn't fazed at all. She may have been an MMA standout and a friend to Ronda Rousey, but her time has come to the main roster, not NXT anymore.

Me: Also, if there's anyone who earned the NXT Women's Championship, it's definitely Kairi. And if anyone's going to challenge her for the title, it's definitely not going to be a bootleg version of Brock Lesnar.

Kairi had a look that was trying to not laugh and covered her mouth trying to hold in her laughs while everyone knew that I buried her with words alone. Her career was killed dead in its tracks!

Shayna: You think you're smart? Huh? Try hitting me and see how it feels.

Me: You know, I'm not proud of being in intergender matches before signing with WWE. Shayna, I would...

Everyone was wondering whether or not I will.

Me: ... but I'm not gonna do that.

Everyone including Kairi applauded for my response and I knew I was winning this verbal confrontation.

Shayna: Peter, you may be an Anarchist, but here's the thing, I'm your reality. Your little run in NXT will be demolished by me. I know how to win matches unlike you. So be ready. This is where the fun begins.

She walked away with a smirk before I said something savage.

Me: Yeah, you know how to win matches by having your mannequin friends do all the work for you.

The locker room cheered and they knew I won. Shayna turned around and was pissed at me.

Me: And last but certainly not least, if you weren't a woman, I'd punch you square in the mouth.


She was marching towards me and Kairi got in front of me defending me, which I'm grateful for. Regal heard what was going on and had to intervene.

Regal: ENOUGH! Shayna, you go back to your spot, Peter with me!

Shayna walked away as I followed Mr. Regal into his office and he was giggling a little bit.

Regal: What was that all about?

Me: Kairi and I were just having a moment before Shayna had to ruin it.

Regal: What else?

Me: She wants another opportunity to Kairi's title, but I told her it was not happening because Kairi earned it while she won it first by having her fellow horsewomen help her. The point I'm making is that I defended Kairi. And I'm pretty sure Shayna's career is dead because of a remark I said.

Regal: What did you say?

Me: I called her a bootleg version of Brock Lesnar and she didn't deserve to have that title again.

Mr. Regal laughed so hard at that remark and knew I wasn't in the wrong.

Regal: I will admit, that's pretty good, but you shouldn't talk like that to her.

Me: Mr. Regal, she's a bully that shouldn't be here in NXT or in the company for that matter. Why won't you have Vince call her up? She'd be perfect for Raw or Smackdown. I just don't want her around this black and yellow brand anymore.

Regal: How about this: I'll ask her if she wants to debut on Smackdown, only if you keep any more of those (chuckling) savage remarks to yourself.

Me: Yes sir.

I walked out to get a low blow from Shayna. I fell hard to my knees in pain and Kairi saw that, same as Regal and security took Shayna away.

Regal: Shayna! Come here!

Shayna broke away from the security and walked towards him.

Regal: You're suspended for three months! Go home!

Shayna then walked away, Kairi side hugged me and brought me to a crate to sit on.

Kairi: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah. I just need to catch my breath.

Kairi: Okay. When I see her again, I'll kill her.

Me: No. Kairi. Just don't. It's not worth it. She's suspended, you're in the clear. You don't need to kill her. Just for me okay?

Kairi: Okay.

Me: Thank you. And I never got to ask you.

Kairi: What?

Me: Kairi, will you be my girlfriend?

Kairi: Yes! Of course I will!

We hugged and before you know it, we kissed. It was almost unbelievable that in a short amount of time, we love each other.

Oh Kairi, I love you too much to know how deep my love is for you.

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