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~With Peter~

Kairi and I decided to go out and hang while preparing for our face to face with The Elite. Our match with them is coming up in a week, but I could tell, something was off with Kairi.

Me: Are you okay, Kairi? Is something wrong?

Kairi: No. Nothing.

Me: No. Something is wrong. You gotta tell me, sweetie.

Kairi: I'll tell you what's wrong. The whole AEW v NXT thing is getting on my nerves. I should be a part of it. I'm off the card.

Me: How about you come with me to the ring at the Takeover: WarGames? How's that?

Kairi: Sounds good. It's better than nothing.

Me: Also, if any female from that company's locker room tries to intervene, use this.

I showed a picture of a baseball bat named "Lucy" wrapped in nuts and chain. She was shocked.

Kairi: WOW. This is sadistic.

Me: It is, and that's what we want. Those AEW pricks won't know what hit em.

After talking about getting ready for WarGames, now we gotta go face to face with The Elite and I had to make a call to some old friends.


It was time to face The Elite in a face to face confrontation. There will be a bit of swearing so if there are any kids in the audience, I suggest you have them wear earmuffs.

They were out first as Cody was in a suit and tie, the others, well, they were in their ring gear in case they were going to be in a match tonight.

"Judas" played and I came out with old buddies...

Renallo: Peter Reynolds and...

Phillips: No! That's not!

Beth: Oh my God it is!

Renallo: Peter has called some backup! And that backup is the UNDISPUTED ERA!

The Elite were beside themselves. They didn't know I was gonna give them a call to return to NXT for one more WarGames match alongside me. We entered the ring as Adam did his catchphrase and grabbed a microphone.

Cody: That's who you're coming out with? They're supposed to be disputed instead. Us? We're The Elite!


Me: You know, Cody, your company is just like a vacuum cleaner, it manages to both suck and blow at the same time!

There were ohs and laughter throughout the entire building. I was laughing inside too and I had to steal that from Edge, my other favorite wrestler growing up.

Me: You think we give a monkey's nut sack what you and your foursome have to say about being elite in the wrestling world?

The crowd was laughing and cheering for my insult.

Me: These guys, they're The Undisputed Era. I've been friends with them since I came to NXT. They said they owed me a favor and they told me whatever it is, they'll do it. I had to give them a call. I'm not a UE member, but at Takeover: WarGames, I'm a member for ONE NIGHT ONLY!

The crowd was cheering as I was gonna say a couple more things.

Me: Kenny Omega, you are the best wrestling star in the world. Being trained in a former WWE developmental, I think you would've been a big star here. I don't blame you for requesting your release back then. You call yourself Kenny Omega, but I think you forgot to call yourself the "alpha" as well.

Everyone oh'd as I was gonna give the Young Bucks the sickest of burns.

Me: Matt and Nick Jackson. The Young Bucks. I have a ton of respect for you reinventing tag team wrestling, but you call yourselves Young Bucks. You're fashionable in the ring, but you're certainly not young anymore. You should be called the Old Bucks instead!

No one got it until they knew what I meant. They were cheering like crazy. Adam and the UE were laughing.

Me: Hangman Page. Listen, I like that you're a cowboy and you drink a lot of beer, but that would get you a lot of trouble. I've seen on Dynamite that your friends see it as a problem and it doesn't make everything better. As a wrestler and a celebrity, I'm asked this all the time: "Peter, why don't you drink?" NOW YOU KNOW!

Adam stifled his laughter as the crowd cheered with a couple boos.

Me: I almost forgot about you, Cody. I respect the hell out of your father. I do. I think he was the greatest professional wrestler of all time and I respect everything that you've done to make him proud. I mean, winning the NWA title in September of 2018 that he won in the 70s is something that's emotional to not just yourself, but to the fans and to me personally. I actually met your father at Wrestlemania Axxess a year before he passed. And let me say, he was the most kindest man I've ever met. He gave me a picture and a playful "Bionic Elbow", but I wish I could say the same about you. Back when I was a fan, I only wanted an autograph but you refused saying that you didn't have time, but you did. Your ego was so freaking big, you didn't even own up to your choice!

Cody: Wait a second, what I did back then, it wasn't a choice, it was a mistake!

Me: A mistake is when we slip and fall. What you did was a choice!

Cody: I don't need to be talked down by someone who's basically a Chris Jericho wannabe!

Me: Okay, first of all, I'm not a Chris Jericho wannabe. He gave me the blessing to use the paint and "Judas" because he was my mentor and my friend and I wanted a change. Also, I lost to Cesaro for the title because I wanted to put him over and right now, there is no one more respected in NXT than me. And the money I earn, it don't mean shit to me!

The crowd applauded and actually supported what I was saying.

Me: From what I know, Elite, AEW was created to make WWE your bitch. But at WarGames, we're gonna make you ours!

I threw down the mic and we walked to the back as "Judas" played. Adam, Kyle, Bobby, and Roderick were happy to help and would have the honor of joining me in one more match, but it's not against each other. It's about fighting for NXT.

WarGames, here we come.

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