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~With Peter~

We got to hang out with the fans and it was fun like always. I overhear Io actually speaking in almost PERFECT English. It was cute really, but I'm more into Kairi speaking English.

Then, door opened and came in Mr. Tranquilo himself. He went behind me and when I turned to face him, he started punching me while I was trying to fight back, but before I could land a punch, he moved out of the way, and made me hit IO instead on her mouth.

I will tell you, when I landed my fist on her bottom lip, it felt like I popped a grape. I knew the wrestler Evil back in Japan and this is his fiancée. If he were here and he wanted to knock my ass out in return, I was gonna let him.

She fell unconscious and I was shocked. I'm pretty sure everyone knew I didn't mean to knock her out unconscious because I was aiming for Naito instead. By the time the fans surrounded her, Naito left before one fan could call the police.

I ran to her unconscious body and I heard a heartbeat. That made me cry a bit before police came in and ARRESTED me.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Io coming to and that made me happy, but I was taken into custody. I knew I had to call Hunter to let him know what just happened before the news was out.

Hunter: Hello?

Me: Hunter? I'm in trouble.

Hunter: What kind of trouble?

Me: I'm in jail.

Hunter: WHAT?! WHAT FOR?!

Me: For hitting Io by accident.

Hunter: Just tell me what happened. I won't get mad.

Me: You promise?

Hunter: I'm reasonable. Just tell me what went wrong.

Me: Io and I were hanging out with fans that were coming from the show. And Naito came in and attacked me. I was defending myself until I was going to punch him in the face. When I swung, he moved out of the way and made me clock Io instead. Hunter, I feel so guilty about hitting Io, but I'm pissed Naito landed me in jail.

Hunter: Oh man. I'm so sorry kid. I'll have Naito fired by next week.

Me: At least keep the plan in play. I don't want him fired at least just yet. Yeah he scammed me, but I wanna cost Naito the win next week and we fire him then. How's that?

Hunter: Sounds like an idea. Then, when he loses, I'll have two policemen come out and arrest him.

Me: Good plan. But I have an idea before that happens. I'll be making a vignette as a message to Tetsuya. You mind coming by tomorrow with a lawyer? I have an idea on what I wanna day and how I wanna own Naito in his own game.

Hunter: That sounds like an awesome idea so be ready for that then. The bail is on me, son. You're the champion and this is the least I can do for you.

Me: Thank you Hunter. I'll see you tomorrow?

Hunter: Absolutely. For now, have someone come pick you up. I'll handle the situation.

Me: Thanks Hunter.

Hunter: Not a problem. Good night.

Me: Night.

We hung up and an hour later, I saw Io picking me up to take me home. Kairi must be worried about what happened.

Io: Peter!

Me: Io!

We hugged and we were in tears.

Me: I'm so sorry to hurt you. I hope you know I didn't mean to.

Io: It's okay, Pete.

Me: Ask me if I still feel guilty. I do. I hope I get to kick Naito's ass next week.

Io: Don't worry. I told Kairi what happened and she understood what you were trying to do.

Me: Okay. How's your lip?

Io: It's not swollen and no stitches were needed. I'm cleared for next week.

Me: That's good. You mind taking me home? My car's been towed.

Io: Sure. Come with me.

She brought me to her car and Io took me home.

Io kept letting me know that I can't blame myself for what happened, but I still felt guilty so I sent flowers later in the week to apologize.

I couldn't wait to cost Naito his position in NXT. Tetsuya Naito, if there's something I know about fairy tales, there has to be a villain, and there has to be a hero. Naito, consider yourself, officially, FIRED!

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