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So I have a little inspiration from the_madame21 on ao3 Please go check them out!!

"Mommy! I finished putting in my clothes!"
"You're such a big girl Sachi! I'm so proud!"

Mornings like these are the little things that Oikawa looks forward too. He loves his daughter Sachi and is thankful to have her and wouldn't trade her for anything.

"Okay I got your bento, did you put on your socks?"
"Yes mommy. I did it all by myself!"
"Good girl." Oikawa says while patting the little girl's head.

Oikawa and Sachi head out the door. Every week day is the same. They get on the train headed to Sachi's preschool.

Once they get there Oikawa gives Sachi a big hug and kiss and says goodbye. While she does the same and runs toward the teacher while waving bye bye to his mommy.

"Guess it's time for work now." Oikawa says heading back to the station.

Oikawa gets off the train to head to work. He works in a restaurant/bar. He works the same shifts during the week. 9-7 unless his boss will let him off early if it's slow.

Since Sachi's preschool ends at 4 Oikawa's friends always helps with Sachi.


"Boss is it alright if I head out now since it's pretty slow?"
"Go ahead, you must be dying to see your little girl I bet."
"Thanks boss."

Oikawa changes into his regular clothes and starts toward the door. As he is leaving a customer is coming in. He brushes past him as he smells a sweet scent.

"Sweet cream?"

Oikawa helps on the train back to his house. When he gets there he is greeted by his little princess Sachi.

"Mommy!!" The little girl's says while running up to Oikawa'a legs.
"Welcome back." Kageyama says.
"Thanks again for picking her up like always."
"No problem."
"You can head home now since you also have someone waiting for you." Oikawa says referring to a certain orange haired boy.
"Alright, see you later pumpkin." Kageyama says.
"Bye bye uncle yama!"

After Kageyama leaves Oikawa starts on dinner. He makes Sachi's favorite, omelette with little hotdog octopuses.

"Wow this looks so good mommy! Thank you."
"You're welcome princess."

As they sit and eat with talking about how their day went Sachi finally finishes her food and Oikawa takes care of the dishes. After they sit on the couch to watch princes and the frog, Sachi's favorite movie.

"Mommy what about the hot chocolate?"
"I'll get it just sit and watch the movie."
"Okay!" Sachi says as Oikawa ruffles up her hair.

Every Friday night they would always have hot chocolate together as mommy daughter time. Oikawa gets to the couch and gives Sachi her mug. They both sit and drink their hot chocolate while finishing the movie.

"Okay bedtime, let's go brush your teeth."
"I don't wanna!"
"Remember, we have to brush all the yucky off so we can wake up tomorrow and have a special breakfast."
"Oh ya special breakfast tomorrow!" Sachi says running to the bathroom.

After brushing teeth and putting pj's on, Sachi lays down in her bed while Oikawa asks which story she wants tonight.

"I want the bears one."

Oikawa then reads Goldy locks and the three bears as Sachi drifts to sleep. Oikawa then hugs and kisses Sachi and goes to his room right down the hall.

Oikawa lays down tired from today as he soon drifts off to bed.

11:38 pm

"Mommy, can I please sleep with you."

Oikawa suddenly wakes up to hear his daughters voice.

"What's wrong princess? Did you have a nightmare?"
"Yes, my room is too scary now." She says with tear stained cheeks.
"Come here baby." Oikawa says while opening the covers.

Sachi gets into bed and snuggles right up to her mom. Oikawa then scents his daughter so she will calm down. Soon the two drift off to sleep.

6:30 am

Oikawa's alarm goes off. Quickly turning it off hoping he doesn't wake his daughter, he quickly goes downstairs to make breakfast. Every Saturday morning was special breakfast day.

He would make waffles with strawberries and cream,
Sachi's favorite foods to eat. After the pancakes were made Oikawa didn't even have to wake up his daughter. He soon heard footsteps running down the stairs.

"No running! You need to be careful!" Oikawa says in a panicky tone.
"I know mommy!"

She finally gets down the stairs and sees the table with waffles , strawberries, and cream.

"Yummy! Do we have juice too mommy?"
"Yes I'll get you some, sit down first."

Oikawa gets a purple princess and the frog cup and fills it with orange juice.

"I'll get your plate for you baby."
"Thanks mommy!"

He then gets a waffle almost the size of the plate and puts a few strawberries on the side with cream and gives is to the little girl.

The two sit and eat their breakfast while talking about things they should do today.

"Let's go somewhere fun!"
"Well where do you wanna go princess?"
"Ummm maybe...shopping!! I really want to go shopping like a big girl and help mommy!"
"Are you sure Sachi? We could go somewhere more fun."
"No let's go big girl shopping!"
"Alright let's go get changed and go." Oikawa says while cleaning up breakfast.

The two walk down to the market near their house, as they get it Sachi says she wants to carry the basket.

"Ok it's a big girl job, let me know if it gets to heavy."
"I got it mommy!"

As Oikawa puts the groceries in the basket he notices it's getting harder for Sachi to carry it.

"Let's me take it now, okay?"
"No I got it mommy." Sachi says while struggling.
"How about I take it now, and then we will get you a snack since you were such a big helper."
"Alright! Let's get yogurt!!"

Oikawa heads over to the yogurt and smells a similar smell.

"Sweet cream?"

This is my first time attempting to write a fanfic!

I'll try my best!

Please vote and leave me suggestions of ways I can make this story better thanks you!!

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