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Sorry for not updating sooner
As a reward for being patient there is some smut in this chapter 🤩🤩

"SLEEPOVERRRR!" Sachi yells.

"Baby please use your inside voice." Oikawa says while patting Sachi's head.

All three go to the kitchen to make hot chocolate and watch a movie. Oikawa starts freaking out about having Iwaizumi stay over for the first time.

Oikawa the think to himself about where Iwaizumi would sleep. Maybe he didn't want to sleep in the same bed with Oikawa or maybe he really didn't even want to stay over.

Sachi goes over to the living room to put on a movie while Iwaizumi notices how Oikawa is feeling out.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Iwaizumi says while putting his hands on Oikawa waist which calms him.

"Do you actually want to stay over? Or are you just saying that, and also are we gonna be sharing a bed together or do you not want to because I don't want you to feel like yo-"

"Oikawa, listen, I don't want to scared you or anything so just hear me out. I love you, now before you say anything let me finish. I do want to stay over and sleep in the same bed with you if that's okay, and I'm doing this because I love you and Sachi."

"Wow, I uh didn't know you felt that way.."

"You don't have to say anything so let's just enjoy our time together okay?"

Iwaizumi starts to head to the living room but before he can leave the kitchen Oikawa grabs the hem of Iwaizumi's shirt which causes him to turn and look at Oikawa.

"I love you too...."

Oikawa then quickly rushes to the living room and sits next to Sachi while Sachi motions for Iwaizumi to sit on the opposite side of her.

After they finish the movie Oikawa cleans up the dishes and takes Sachi to bed.

"Iwa too!" Sachi yells and points at Iwaizumi.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi take Sachi upstairs and put her to bed while Oikawa reads her a book again. After she has fallen asleep they leave her room and head to oikawas bedroom.

"So uh want to borrow some clothes or something?" Oikawa says looking everywhere but Iwaizumi.

"Sure." Iwaizumi says chuckling knowing the effect he has on Oikawa.

After they both change Oikawa quickly shuts the light off and gets underneath the covers while Iwaizumi follows suit.

"Would it be alright...if...n-never mind." Oikawa says while turning his back to Iwaizumi.

"If we what? It's alright Oikawa."

"Can we...cuddle please?" Oikawa says covering his face with his hands.

"Of course we can, since we both love each other." Iwaizumi says while making the last part a bit louder while wrapping his arms around oikawas body.

"Jeez you don't have to say it like that, you're making me feel embarrassed."

"But I do love you Oikawa." Iwaizumi says with seriousness in his voice making Oikawa turn around.

"You do?"

"Of course I do silly." Iwaizumi says while bopping oikawas nose.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi both stare into each other eyes filled with love. Oikawa decided to be bold and lean in to kiss Iwaizumi.

Once there lips intertwined they both felt the love they felt for each other. Iwaizumi then pulls Oikawa on top of him while adding tongue into the kiss.

"Is this alright?" Iwaizumi says breaking away from the kiss slightly gasping.

"Yes please keep going." Oikawa says while latching back on.

The two continue kissing while Oikawa starts to rub himself up and down while letting tiny moans into Iwaizumi's mouth.

Iwaizumi reaches down and grabs oikawas hips while moving them back and forth. Oikawa keeps his hand on both sides of Iwaizumi's head while kissing down his neck only to hear tiny moans escape from Iwaizumi's mouth.

"Can I take your shirt off?" Oikawa asks.

"Go ahead." Iwaizumi says while grabbing oikawas hips to thrust them even more.

Oikawa takes off Iwaizumi's shirt and starts kissing down his chest while Oikawa takes his shirt off as well.

Iwaizumi then flips them over so he is on top of Oikawa kissing down his chest.

"Can I go further?" Iwaizumi asks while looking back up at Oikawa.

"Keep going." Oikawa says while sliding off Iwaizumi's pants.

Iwaizumi then takes off oikawas pants and briefs while kissing down his chest and then latches on to oikawas manhood.

"Iwaizumi, that feels good!" Oikawa slightly moans while trying to cover his mouth.

Iwaizumi then stops and goes lower to lick oikawas hole and get it ready.

After he finished he looked back up at Oikawa and gently kissed him.

"Are you ready now?"


Iwaizumi pushes himself into Oikawa but not before putting a condom on. Oikawa grabs Iwaizumi's back while scratching.

Iwaizumi starts out slow to get Oikawa used to it then slowly speeds up.

"Are you alright?" Iwaizumi asks not wanting to hurt Oikawa.

"Yes, keep going.."

Oikawa and Iwaizumi both let out quiet moans while both reaching their climax together. Once the finish they both lay on the bed next to each other trying to catch there breath.

Oikawa gets nervous and thinks maybe he was bad in bed and not good enough or maybe he was to gross and ugly.

"You're amazing, and I love you so much." Iwaizumi says while leaning over to kiss Oikawa.

"I wasn't bad? Or I wasn't gross to look at?" Oikawa says while looking up at the ceiling.

Iwaizumi immediately sits up and looks at Oikawa.

"What do you mean? Of course you weren't bad and you're so beautiful, you're not gross."

Oikawa starts to tear up while he sits up to hug Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi then hugs back while rubbing his hand up and down oikawas back.

"Thank you, for everything." Oikawa says while rubbing his eyes.

"No thank you for everything and for letting me be in your life. Let's go to bed and we can talk more in the morning okay?"


They both lay down while Iwaizumi wraps his arms around Oikawa while sniffing in his scent of strawberries.

"I love you." Iwaizumi says.

"I love you too." Oikawa says.

They both drift off to sleep in each other's arms both glad they met each other.

Sorry for taking so long to update.

I've been trying to plan out the chapters because I haven't really been doing that and I think I'm only gonna have maybe like 2-3 more.

Sorry if you guys are disappointed 😢

I might be creating different books after but they probably won't be Iwaoi

But thanks for reading


And don't forget to tell me your favorite part ✌️


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