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Oikawa and Sachi woke up both in bed together after Sachi has been struggling with nightmares.

"Come on baby let's go eat some yummy food."
"Ok mommy!"

Today they had decided to eat out and go to a restaurant for some breakfast. Once they got to the restaurant they both sat down and ordered there food. Sachi—pancakes with little sausages. Oikawa—over easy eggs with toast and bacon.

Once they both got their food they both started to dig in.

"Is it good princess?" Oikawa says with a grin.
"Mine is very good,  can I have a bite of yours?"
"Sure, here you go." Oikawa says giving Sachi a piece of egg.

After they both finished it was time to pay then walk back home. As they were walking home they noticed Iwaizumi walking too.

"Hey Oikawa and Sachi." Iwaizumi said bending down to Sachi and patting her on the head.

"Hey Iwa!" Sachi said liking the attention.

"What brings you here?" Oikawa asks.

"Just was going for a walk."

"Want to hangout at my house?" Sachi asks Iwaizumi.

"Only if your mommy says it's okay?" Iwaizumi said while looking at Oikawa for permission which he got with a slight head nod.

All three then start walking back home.

"Ok then Iwa has to be the frog prince and I'm the princess." Sachi says.

"What about me, who am I?" Oikawa asks his daughter.

"Hmmmm you can be the bad guy with the shadows."

"Ok rude! But fine since I love you." Oikawa plays along.

They all run around and play until Sachi has to kiss Iwaizumi.

"I gotta kiss you now!"

Oikawa then starts to get a little jealous that he's not the princess giving Iwaizumi a kiss. He stops thinking that immediately.

Iwaizumi then bends down so Sachi can kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you princess! Now I'm a prince!" Iwaizumi says.

"Now you have to marry the bad guy." Sachi says to Iwaizumi.

"But aren't the princess and prince supposed to marry each other?" Oikawa looks at his daughter with confusion.

"Well duh! But aren't you and Mr. Iwa gonna get married for real and then Iwa will be my daddy?"

When those words left Sachi's mouth both Oikawa and Iwaizumi sat there shocked with their jaws hanging. Oikawa couldn't believe how quick Sachi caught on to things. Iwaizumi sat there and then turned to Oikawa not knowing what to say.

"Well baby, IF we ever get married and that's an if, would you be alright with having Iwa as your daddy?"

Iwaizumi then felt relief hearing Oikawa. Oikawa himself felt relief and pictured a wedding.

"Of course! So you guys should hurry up and get married quick, then I can get a baby brother or sister."

After hearing Sachi they both blushed at the thought.

"Ok who's ready for dinner!" Oikawa quickly says while getting up to go to the kitchen.

"I'll help!" Iwaizumi says doing the same.

In the kitchen they both were getting dinner set up. Oikawa turning on the stove and getting a pan while telling Iwaizumi to wash some vegetables.

"So you want to marry me?" Iwaizumi asks.

Oikawa dropped the pan onto the stove and turned to look at Iwaizumi while blushing.

"What else was I supposed to tell her!!" Oikawa says while turning away again.

Iwaizumi chuckled to himself while finishing the job he was given.

After they all eat dinner Oikawa told Sachi to watch TV in the living room while him and Iwaizumi went to go talk upstairs in his bedroom about the conversation earlier.

"So about earlier.." Oikawa says while sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Yeah..." Iwaizumi says following suit.

"So I didn't really mean anything too deep by what I said, I was just trying to think of something." Oikawa says while blushing and looking away.

Iwaizumi doesn't answer and just looks at Oikawa. Oikawa is wondering why Iwa hasn't said anything yet. Maybe he doesn't even think of marriage?

"I know this might be moving to fast but I really want to be with you, and even if things progress I would like to end up marrying you and becoming Sachi's dad.." Iwaizumi says while reaching out to grab oikawas hand.

Oikawa squeezes Iwaizumi's hand to try to contain his excitement.

"I also want to be with you and if I'm being honest I think I...really...really like you a lot." Oikawa says looking into Iwaizumi's eyes hoping for a good response.

"Can I kiss you?" Iwaizumi asks.

"Yes please." Oikawa says.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa both lean into the kiss. For the first time Oikawa realizes just how deep his feelings of love are. When they are kissing Oikawa laces his hands behind Iwaizumi's neck while Iwa has his hands on the others hips.

After a while of kissing they hear tiny footsteps coming up the stairs. They quickly stop and go to the door to see Sachi.

"Mommy can we all have a sleep over?"

"If Iwaizumi would like too then I don't see a problem." Oikawa says while blushing.

"I would love to Sachi." Iwaizumi says while patting her head.

Thank you guys for being so patient!!

And I just want to say I can't believe how many views this story has gotten! I thought I would've been lucky if just 5 people read this!!

But you guys have really given me motivation to write this story so thank you a ton!!

Let me know your favorite part of this chapter and make a guess at what is gonna happen!!

Btw I don't even think I've told you guys my name😂

My name is River and I go by she/they pronouns (but I prefer they) bye love you guys!!🤍

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