Trace My Bloodline

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It was at least 2 a.m. when she crept down the stairs of her house. She had been unable to soundly sleep as her mind was full of racing thoughts and "what if" scenarios. She leaned on the wall looking through the door frame into the living room. Raylan was passed out in the recliner chair. He looked like he had intended to stay up but had failed. She couldn't help but smile at the scene before her. She turned to head back up the stairs to go back to bed when she heard a truck driving down the dirt road. Raven walked over to the window pulling the curtains slightly back. The silhouette of a pickup sitting about 100 yards from the house made a chill rundown her spine. She backed away from the window and stepped over to wake Raylan. She wasn't sure who was outside but she knew it wasn't good because of the time of night. 

"Raylan," she shook him slightly, "Raylan get up." 

"What?" Raylan blinked and then sat up slowly. 

"Raylan I think..." Raven couldn't even finish. 

Bullets torn through the walls. Raylan jumped out of the chair and took Raven to the floor covering her head. Raven closed her eyes clutching to Raylan's shirt. The shooting finally stopped and Raylan hopped up grabbing his sidearm. He pulled the blinds apart on the window trying to get a look at the shooter. More shots were fired causing him to hit the floor. 

"This is US Marshal Raylan Givens!" He yelled. 

Gun shots answered his call out. Raylan sat up and returned the fire.  Raven kept her head down using her hands to protect herself from falling debris. Shots were exchanged between Raylan and the shooter. After a while, the shooting stopped and it got quiet. Raven looked up and around the room which was in tatters. Raylan got up from position and moved out to the front door waiting for any sign it was going to start again. He opened the door and looked out to see no one in sight. He still kept his guard up just in case they were hiding out. It had been quiet for a long time before he shut the door. 

"They're gone," Raylan looked over at Raven

"Who the hell where they?!" 


Raven dropped her bag on the floor and let out a deep sigh as she looked around Raylan's hotel room. After a long conversation, he had convinced her to come to Lexington where he hoped she would be safer then staying in Harlan. Raven had protested the idea saying she could take care of herself, but Raylan had insisted. She looked around the small room feeling like she didn't want to be there but deep down feeling butterflies in her stomach. 

"Its not much," Raylan said looking around, "but you'll be safer here." 

"That's what you keep saying," Raven sat down on the edge of the bed. 

"Its better in the long run Raven," Raylan sounded annoyed at her. 

"I never asked for a babysitter." 

"Someone just shot up your house trying to kill you!" 

"I noticed Raylan!" 

The two of them stood glaring at each other. Raven scoffed then turned and locked herself in the bathroom. Raylan leaned on the door letting out a deep breath. 

"Raven," he knocked lightly.

"Go Away Raylan!" she yelled.


A couple hours later, Raven finally emerged from the bathroom. Raylan was sitting in a chair with his hat pulled down over his eyes. She leaned on the door frame feeling terrible for yelling at him. She knew that he was only looking out for her. They may not have always gotten along, but he had always been there when she needed him. She viewed him as more of a brother then Aiden had ever been. 

She heard him stir and looked up with wondering eyes. Raylan lifted his head and say her standing  in the doorway. He gave her a tired smile. 

"How are you?" he asked. 

"I'm good," she smiled, "Thank you." 

"For what?" his voice was sleepy. 

"For caring." 


Raylan woke up laying in bed with an arm wrapped around Raven. He didn't remember going to bed let alone Raven joining him. He carefully left the bed trying not to wake the sleeping woman. She looked peaceful and he didn't want to disturb her. He knew the last couple days hadn't been the best for her. He just hoped that he could catch Aiden soon and she could be safe. 


"You were in another shooting?" Art looked at Raylan with disbelief. 

Raylan had been summoned on account of the report that had been sent over from KSP who had responded to Raylan's call in over the shooting. 

"Well at least I didn't shoot anyone this time," Raylan joked. 

Art didn't look the least bit amused at his fellow marshal. Raylan had seemed to be nothing but trouble since he had arrived in Lexington. 

"So now you have a woman living in your hotel room with you?" Art raised an eyebrow.

Raylan shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. 

"Don't tell me you're sleeping with her Raylan!" Art yelled. 

"No, Im not," Raylan insisted, "Im keeping her safe until I catch her brother." 

"Until you catch her brother," Art sat down not believing what he was hearing, "I cant believe a goddamn thing I'm hearing right now! This is KSP business not yours!" 

"Just give me this one Art," Raylan said, "She's a friend and I owe it to her." 

"Fine!" Art snapped, "But you mess this up and God help us all." 

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