Whatever Bitter Brew

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Raven's phone went off and when she checked the number she wondered if she should answer or not. She did but it was with hesitancy. 


"Hey Raven its Walt McCready," the caller replied. 

"What can I do for you Mr. McCready?" she asked. 

"No one can know I called you," he stated.

"I know Harlan my friend," she reassured him, "You only say what needs to be said." 

"Thanks Raven," he said, "I just wanted to let you know what your brother Aiden is up here working for the Bennetts." 

The mention of the last name of the one family that ruled most of Harlan made her blood run cold. No one messed with the Bennett family unless you wanted to end up at the bottom of a mineshaft. 

"How do you know this?" she asked trying to stay calm. 

"He's been over here at my place harassing Loretta." 

"I can come and try to talk to my brother but I can't guarantee its going to be pretty." 

"No, no I don't want you getting in trouble, "Walt said. 

"Just keep your head down and Ill deal with Aiden," she hung up knowing she was going to have to make a trip up the the Bennett side of Harlan. 


She stepped out of her car in front of the Bennett's store. She knew the only way to get to Aiden without actually confronting her brother was to talk to the one and only Mags Bennett. Raven put on her most cheerful face and walked in the store. Mags Bennett was behind the counter unloading a box of supplies she must have just gotten in. She looked up and saw Raven standing in front of her and gave him a smile. 

"Raven Pierce!" the woman's voice was cheerful, "Look at how grown up you are!" 

"Its been a while Ms Bennett," Raven tried to give a smile but it was hard with all her nerves on alert. 

"What can I do for you sweetheart?" Mags asked coming out from behind the counter. 

"I was wondering if you had seen Aiden at all," Raven decided to play dumb. 

"That pesky brother of yours?" Mags asked. 

"The same one," Raven answered. 

"No I haven't seen him around," Mags said. 

"I'd hate to step over anyone toes," Raven's eyes studied every move the woman made, "But any chance he's hauled with with Dickie or Coover? I Remember the 3 of them used to walk around like they owned the place. That was until Doyle ran him off."

"If the boys come by I'll ask them if they've seem him," Mags said. 

"Well if you do see Aiden," Raven said, "can you give me a call?" 

"Can do Raven," Mags said, "take care now." 

Raven waved then walked back out to her car. Once inside she took a deep breath. She knew Mags wasn't telling the whole truth. Bennett's never did. But she did feel that Aiden was probably hiding from her to avoid Doyle. She couldn't go face Dickie and Coover alone. She decided to call Raylan and let him and Liz handle the situation from there. 


Raylan and Liz step out of the car at a house belonging to Dickie and Coover Bennett. Raylan didn't want to be there taken the history between him and the Bennetts. 

"This place is a dump," Liz commented looking at the place from behind her sunglasses. 

"Wait till you meet the inhabitants," Raylan commented as they walked up the drive. 

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