There I Read

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This time, Raven went with Raylan and Liz up to the Bennetts. They decided to stop at the store and talk with Mags before confronting any of her sons. The drive down there was mostly quiet except for small talk between Liz and Raylan on other Marshal related topics. Raven just sat looking out the window watching the familiar landscape whip by.

They pulled up to the Bennett's store and Raven put her hand on Raylan's shoulder.

"Let me go in first," she insisted.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Liz asked.

"Mags will be friendlier to me then you guys," Raven opened the car door.

"If they give you any trouble," Raylan started.

"Ill call for you," Raven stepped out of the car.

They watched her walk into the store both feeling uneasy.

"Is she going to be ok?" Liz looked over at Raylan.

"I hope so," Raylan sighed.


"Morning Mags," Raven walked into the store feeling a little uneasy.

"Well hello there sweet girl," the older woman smiled at her, "what's on your mind?"

"I was hoping to talk to you about your son," Raven leaned on the counter between them.

"I'm curious now," Mags said.

"Look Mags," Raven stood up straight trying to be as stern as possible, "Raylan arrested my brother yesterday. He put him away for beating me up. Well, then Doyle called and got him released. Now I'm worried Aiden will try and hurt me again."

"Well that's just terrible," Mags let out a sigh, "Ill have to have a chat with Doyle about this."

"Im asking for you to tell him to please let Raylan and Liz do their jobs," Raven stated, "for the sake of my safety."

Before any of them could say anything else, there came noise from a commotion outside. Raven ran to the door followed by Mags. They came outside to find Doyle in a stand-off with Liz and Raylan.

"What is going on here!" Mags yelled.


An SUV with the words "Bennett County pulled up.

"Oh shit," Raylan commented.

"Doyle," Liz narrowed her eyes, "I thought I got his badge pulled."

"I want to know what caused him to come here," Raylan said.

"I think were about to find out," Liz stepped out of the car.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Doyle called over to Liz, "the girl who thinks she can take a fellow officers badge."

"You inpeded with a federal case!" Liz snapped.

"You should know little lady," Doyle placed his hand on his side arm, "No one messes with us. Especially outsiders."

Liz pulled her gun out of its holster. Raylan did the same from the other side of the car. All three of the officers stood eyeing each other up.

"By order of the US Marshal Service, "Liz held her head up high, "I order you to stand down!"

"Who do you think you are!" Doyle yelled back.

"A US Marshal doing her job!" Liz snapped.

"Easy everyone!" Raylan called.

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