Sang A New Song

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Raven watched Liz as she paced the room. She didnt know how long this had been going on for but it was starting ti make Raven tired just watching her.

"What are you doing?" Raven finally asked.

"Just nervous," she said.

"About what?"

"Raylan is working the Black Pike court case."

"He will be fine," Raven laughed, "I've seen Raylan get himself out of tougher situations."

"Ya me too," Liz sighed and sat down. 


When the two Marshals found themselves in front of the Bennetts store again, they weren't that amused. Especially since they were playing babysitter to the Vice President of Black Pike Coal, the most disliked person in Harlan County at the moment. She had crossed the Bennetts and wanted to make nice with Mags, a task both Liz and Raylan couldn't see going right.

"Just gonna clear the air," Carol stepped out of the car, "have a nice conversation. 

"Nothing clear about the air around coal," Raylan commented as he stepped out. 

"We all sure about this?" Liz asked. 

"Do you know these people?" Raylan looked over at Carol. 

"I know of them," she answered, "you?" 

  "You could say we have some history," Raylan followed Carol to the door.

"That what were calling it?" Liz asked. 

"That gonna be a problem Marshal?" Carol asked Raylan. 

"No ma'am," he said. 

All three of them walked into the building and Carol walked over to greet Mags. Raylan and Liz hung back trying to stay as unnoticed as possible. 

"Ms. Bennett," Carol walked over to the woman, "with Black Pike Coal. 

"I know who you are," Mags was as friendly as ever, she gestured to the marshals "Im surprised to see you two here." 

"Just Marshal Buisness," Raylan said, "there have been threats."

"Oh thats terrible," Mags said. 

"Part of the job I suppose," said Carol.

"Hard being a strong woman," Mags laughed, "take it from me." 

The sound of a door opening caught Raylan and Liz's attention. They turned around to see Coover and Dickie Bennett enter the building. Liz let out a frustrated sigh. She was hoping this visit would go smoothly, and their presence told her that would not be so. Raylan eyed them up too wondering why they were there and what they wanted. Dickie looked amused why Coover had on a straight face. 

"Ms Johnson," Mags gestured to the two men, "these are my boys Dickie and Coover." 

"Hello," Liz could hear the nervousness on Carol's voice. 

"Hey!" Coover sounded like a high school boy looking at the woman. 

Mags and Carol went back to their conversation why Raylan and Liz watched the Bennett boys. Dickie played around with a baseball bat why Coover eyed up the candy jars. Liz started to feel her nerves work their way up and down her back. Raylan didn't look the least bit calm either. They were both standing there waiting for someone to do something to provoke them. Carol stepped away from Mags at the conclusion of their conversation. As they tried to walk out, Coover stood in their way. He put his hand on Raylan who looked at it not the least but amused. 

"You working for the mines now too?" Coover asked, "Like your buddy Boyd."  

"Coover," Raylan stated, "you touch me again, or even Liz, and its gonna be a problem." 

"Ain't afraid of their of you Marshals," Coover stood up him. 

Raylan turned to Mags, "Nice to see the work you've done on your boys self esteem has paid off." 

Liz never took her eyes off of the man in front of them. She kept a stern glare as Coover looked at her totally amused. Mags stood back watching the situation unfold unsure of what was going to happen. 

"Coover, be careful now, "Dickie's voice came floating in, "you go beating on a federal, it could take years from ya." 

Liz stepped forward pulling her badge off her belt and handing it to Raylan. 

"I've got this," she silenced any protest Raylan might have held. 

"You think youre tough," Coover eyed her up. 

"I've been through shit you cant even imagine," she narrowed her gaze, "stuff that makes your gimics look like child's play." 

"You insulting me?"

"Maybe I am!" 

Coover swung at Liz who dodged the blow. He then picked her up off the ground and pushed her backwards into a counter top before throwing her across the shop into a shelve. As the contents of the shelf fell around her, all Liz heard was explosions and gunfire. She looked up and her vision spun. She blinked and she was back in Baghdad, she jumped back up eyes wide. She closed her eyes and shook her head. When she opened them again, she was back in the shop. She stood squaring up ready for whatever Coover had to offer. She looked up at her target. Her vision seemed to skip as if it was a faulty TV and she saw a Taliban member standing in front of her holding a dagger. 

"Stand down!" she could hear herself yelling but wasn't sure if it was reality or dream. 

Then man charged her and she jumped out of the way. When her feet hit the ground she was staring at Coover. She threw punches and nailed him a few times. She even managed to get a good swing on him which knocked him back and off balance. He took a swing back at her and nailed her in the temple. She felt her body whip around as she fell back into another shelf.  Her glasses went flying and hit the floor shattering the lenses. She pushed herself up ready to go again. One thing she was good at was not backing down. She was ready to take this fight to the bitter end. Her vision, which was now messed up due to her lack of glasses, swayed and she saw three of Coover. But each time her focused changed sides, it rotated between a blurry Coover and the Taliban member. She picked something up off the ground and threw it at him nailing him in the head. She was impressed given her vision was shit. She head screams and explosions knowing her mind was taking her back to one of her most dreaded experiences. Coover came at her and she met him with a punch square to the jaw. He got even more angry and picked her up. She locked onto his arms and kicked at his gut. He slammed her back on the ground knocking the air out of her. He laid down a few more punches on her before Raylan grabbed him and threw him off of her. Mags then grabbed her boy to keep him from beating on anyone else. 

"Liz!" Raylan's voice rang in her head. 

Her face was a bloody mess as the red liquid ran from her right eye and nose. She could taste it in her mouth due to the split lip that adorned her mouth. 

"Im good," she told him as her mind settled and she became more engraved in reality. 

"You look like shit," he picked her up supporting her with an arm under hers. 

"Get out of here!" Mags chased Coover and Dickie out of the shop and followed them out. 

Raylan looked over at Carol who stood there shocked at what had just gone down. 

"We need to get out of here," he said and then picked Liz up bridle style and carried her out. 

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