When the Sun Goes Down

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She sat in the back of the ambulance as they tended to her wounds. She watched Raylan from afar as he talked to Art and his fellow Marshals. Now that Bo Crowder was dead and she knew Boyd wasn't going to hold a grudge, she felt a little more at ease. But the idea that her brother was still put theremeant that the world wasn't going to go back to normal anytime soon. She knew Raylan was itching to go after the woman and Boyd. He was going to do whatever it would require to hunt them down. She also knew Art was going to have an issue with her and Raylan. It didnt look good in court if a marshal was romantically involved with a witness.

Was that what it had come to? After so long? She had silently been chasing Raylan since they were in high school. Now she had just kissed him, something she had desired for so long. She had been afraid he would have pushed her away. But she he had returned the gesture, it filled her with butterflies and let her know the feelings were mutual. But now did they have to keep it a secret? Not let his fellow marshals or the rest of the world know?

Raylan walked over to the ambulance and sat down next to Raven.

"I'm going after Boyd," he said.

"What does Art think?" She asked.

"Hes not a fan," Raylan looked around, "but I need to do this or the Dixie Mafia wont stop coming after me."

"If you go after them," she looks down and took his hand in his trying to he as low key as possible, "just make sure you come home."

"I plan on it," Raylan reassured her then stood up as the sight of Art coming their way.

"I'm having deputy Tim Gutterson take you home Ms Pierce," Art informed Raven.

"I can take her home," Raylan stepped forward.

"You have to go back to Lexington and give a statement," Art said.

"But she lives in Lexington," Raylan hesitantly said.

"Oh that's right," the irritation was evident in Art's voice, "shes been staying with you. Well jot anymore or the AUSA will have a heyday over this one!"

"I cant go to my actual home!" Raven stood up facing the marshal.

"And why not?" Art asked.

"Cuz if I do there is a chance that my fugitive brother will try and kill me!" She stood her ground, "he already put me in the hospital. He'll do it again!"

"We'll assign a guard for you," Art explained.

"I already told you guys I dont want protection!" She snapped.

"Raven!" Raylan barked at her which caught her off guard.

The look on her face resembled that of a child who had just been told "no" for the first time in their life. She took a couple steps back and then returned to the ambulance to sit down. Raylan turned back to Art with a stubborn glare.

"Let me handle this please," Raylan insisted, "she needs to be out of Harlan and I see Lexington as the best place for her."

"Its your ass if this goes south!" Art warns him, "they will bring everything after you since she was the kidnapping victim! Especially if they even think for a moment you two are involved!"

"Alright Art I got it," Raylan brushed off his boss's words like he always did.

He started walking toward his car and gestured for Raven to follow. She got up and walked over to the car. She stepped into the car curious as to what was going on.

"Art thinks if you stay with me AUSA will have a fit," Raylan looked over at her.

"Why," Raven joked, "he already thinks were sleeping together."

"Judging by the way things went today," He whispered, "hes going to believe in lying to him when I say were not."

"At least not yet anyways," Raven shrugged her shoulders innocently.

He just shook his head laughing as he  put the car in gear and took off down the road back towards Lexington.


Raylan got back to the office after his side trip down to Florida. Art had summoned him into his office and Raylan could only imagine why.

"What are you you going to lecture me on this time?" Asked Raylan taking a seat across from Art.

"I wanted to inform you that we have a new Marshal coming in and she is going to take over the Aiden Pierce case," Art sat back in his own chair, "well not really new. Shes been on leave for 6 months in I think Baghdad."

"That's my case and I think I," Raylan stopped mid sentence, "did you say she?"

"Ya," Art raised an eyebrow, "you got a problem with that."

"No," Raylan said slowly questioning Art.

"Good to know," Art stood up, "she should be here any moment."

Raylan turned around to see a woman  standing out in the bullpen. When he realized who it was, he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Liz?" His voiced called out to her.

She looked at him. Her blonde hair stopped just before her shoulders, her blue eyes shined behind her glasses. The one thing he did notice was the scar that marked her face. It was horizontal over her left eye, moved across her nose, and down under her right eye. He could only imagine what she went through to receive that.

"Deputy Givens " her voice soft and professional.

It caught him off guard as she was used to her being upbeat and always happy.

"Its been a while," he walked over to her.

"It has."

"How have you been?" He asked not being able to believe that she was here.

"I've been ok," she answered.

"Deputy Hardstead here will be taking over the Pierce case," Art joined the duo, "which makes Raven her witness."

"Art!" Raylan looked over his boss.

"No arguing Raylan," Art said sternly, "give her everything you've got and she has full access to Ms. Pierce."

Raylan gritted his teeth wanting to speak up but deciding against it.

"So," Liz sat down at Raylan's desk, "where do we begin?"

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