Chapter 2: Fated Encounter

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The guards bowed their head down as she walked inside the castle, her black boots creating sounds as it made contact with the marble floor. Her cape followed her movements as her long hair fell loosely until her lower back.

She's a twelve-year old girl with an aura of a full-fledged wizard, screaming power and authority. She was tasked to hunt down the lower class Fairy Tail Mages.

However, for some reason, she was intentionally failing all of her missions without feeling guilt. There was like a strange voice whispering in her ear that she shouldn't do anything against the said guild, and it was frustrating her the most.

Why...? Just why can't I?!

She had been through pain and suffering. Instead of dolls, it's the sword that she had always been holding. Instead of playing, she was in the training ground with her frail and scarred body. Instead of her mother's lullaby, it was her own cries that helped her sleep.

That guild is the reason why I'm living in hell. Fairy Tail. But now that she had the chance to make them pay, she had just let it slip away without second thought. What's wrong with me?

“Lord Valmoire wishes to see you,” an old maid approached her. “He's in the conference hall with the Four Generals.”

Early this morning? And I just got back from a mission and haven't taken a nap yet...

Nashi only nodded as she walked through the dark hallway. At the end of it, a huge wooden double door came into her sight. The guards opened it for her. She went in and scanned the circular table where the five superiors of this guild were sitting.

The man in his forties smirked as he watched her fall to her one knee like a royal knight ready to serve her King, even if it meant sacrificing her own life.

“How was your last mission?”

“I was…” I have failed it...again. “I was near killing them when their Iron Dragon Slayer and Devil Slayer arrived, my lord.”

He clicked his tongue in disappointment as he traced the long scar on his right cheek. His red cold eyes stared at her for a while before he cleared his throat.

“It's been a year, yet your score is still zero,” he hissed. “Make damn sure you'll make it this time.”

Nashi furrowed her eyebrows, lifting her head a bit to see him. “What do you mean?”

“A group of the fifth generation Fairy Tail Wizards was traced by our tracking device. They are currently in the Magic Library,” Kairro Kasikagi stated, the right hand man of Valmoire and Nashi's trainer.

“It means they are the same age as you, Nash-chan,” Kiera Kasikagi smirked, possessing a nullification magic, twin of Kairro.

Nashi swallowed hard. K-Kids... Can I do it?

“You have to go back here with good news, Dragneel,” the man with ash-grey hair coldly said. He's Van Rios, a Water Dragon Slayer.

“Are you that weak?” A woman with purple long hair, green eyes that look like the snake's, and long sharp nails glared at her. But it didn't scare her one bit. Nashi only gave her a blank stare.

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