Chapter 6: Truth Behind the Curtain

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“Why are you acting like that towards Uncle Natsu?!” Greige hissed as he followed Nashi walk out of the guild. No one dared to follow them. He groaned when she didn't answer. “Nashi!”

“Stop following me, Fairy!” She spat with unadulterated anger, glaring daggers at him. Greige was taken aback upon seeing a tear escape her eyes. He gulped, but still decided to follow.

They were walking for minutes until he realized that they were heading to a train station. Nashi, whose patience for the boy behind her was going thin, closed her eyes before facing him.

“I said stop following me. I'm going to the Serpent Fang Guild and I'm sure they won't think twice in killing a Fairy—”

“But you're also a Fairy,” he innocently replied, tilting his head a bit. Nashi blinked. For some reason, she felt like the Fairy Tail emblem began burning on her skin. “You're not a Serpent in this era, Nashi. And they don't even know you.”

Realizing the he was telling the truth, Nashi sighed in defeat. “But I can handle myself.”

“Yeah? I'll still go with you.”

She just stared at him, dumbfounded. Her lips parted to say something, but decided to keep it to herself instead. She shook her head before turning around and entering the train. Greige smirked, tailing her.

The whole ride was a real torture. Her mind went haywire as she felt her stomach flip. Nashi tried her best to hold herself from throwing up but she couldn't handle it, so she stuck her head out of the window and let the rainbow out of her mouth.

Greige only watched her suffer from her motion sickness the entire time, his eyes twitching. Ah, she's like our Dragon Slayers...eww.


Yawning, Greige stepped out of the carriage and stretched his body. Sitting in a small space for five hours had his muscles aching. Nashi, on the other hand, was crawling out of the vehicle as she tried to pull herself together. It was their third ride for the day and finally, they reached their destination.

“What came into your mind to go here?” the old man asked, getting Greige's attention. He was the one who drove them to this town. He glanced at the full moon peeking over a dark cloud, then to the forest surrounding them. “Tsk, tsk! Just take care, okay?”

Greige only nodded and thanked him. As the carriage drove away and disappeared from his sight, he turned to see Nashi sniffing around like a dog. Is she, perhaps, a Dragon Slayer? He shook his head. No way…

They walked through the secluded town. It appeared as though it was abandoned for a very long time. The houses and infrastructures were so old that it would crumble apart in an instant. Some were already destroyed. It felt like the whole town had once become a battlefield.

The silence and eerie feeling that it brought made Greige shiver as he imagined a white lady staring at him in one of the houses’ windows. The cold wind and darkness didn't help. He looked away and stared at Nashi's back while she led the way with a fire on her hand serving as their light.

So this is where the Serpent's hideout was located all along… he mentally took a note. He cold sweat rolled down his forehead when he realized that they took almost a whole day before arriving here. And who would even think a guild would be in a creepy part of Ishgar? Well, they are a dark guild.

They entered the dark forest, Nashi was still leading the way. Greige gritted his teeth as he forced himself to not look around.

“You know, there are ghosts roaming around here. Most of the town's people died during an all out war—”

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