Chapter 5: Hatred and Pain

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“Listen, Nashi,” Greige mumbled, facing the wall because the scary Fairy Huntress was changing clothes. “Gramps Makarov offered us to stay here while you were still sleeping. We don't have a choice but to accept it rather than being homeless brats."

Gramps…is still alive in this era. He's still the guild's master.

“And what makes you think I'll stay here? Just kill me.”

Greige irritably turned around to face her, his deep blue eyes darted at her blank brown ones. She's wearing a black skirt, a red fitted single short-sleeved shirt, and her black boots. There was a high glove on her right arm reaching just above her elbow. Her black cape securely hung on her shoulders.

“Why are you still wearing your cape?”

“None of your business.” She looked away as she started walking towards the door. I feel safe and warm with it.

Greige only shook his head and tailed her. But a mischievous smirk slowly crept to his lips. Once they reached the main hall of the guild, which was in a chaotic state as the mages were acting like wild animals who had escaped their den, Greige ran past Nashi and started shouting like an idiot.

“Mira-san! Mira-san! Nashi and I decided to join the guild!”

What the—The pink-haired girl dropped her jaw, her eyebrow twitching. She swore she wanted to kill Greige right at that moment. Gritting her teeth, she stopped herself from making a fire sword and just followed behind him.

“Really? Come here, Nashi! I'll give you your guild mark,” Mirajane smiled at her.

Nashi's throat went dry. She felt crossing a dangerous line. How come she would suddenly have a guild mark of the guild she was tasked to take down?

But they were stuck in this era and they didn't have any idea on how to go back to the future as of now. So might as well grab this opportunity to know Fairy Tail's weakness and some other important information.

Is that really the reason? she asked herself, biting her lip. Her eyes watched the mages happily chatting with each other, laughing with their friends, picking a job on a request board together, and playing around like carefree kids, which she never experienced.

There's a part of her yearning for that feeling she never felt; having friends and having family she could clearly see this guild had. Her eyebrows creased. Was this really Fairy Tail?

What's their reason for abandoning us, then? In killing my mother?

Her fist clenched, her stomach twisted in disgust. Her fingers were itching to make her fire sword run through their throat.

Nashi's eyes soon found the person who shared the same hair color as her in this guild, the one who she shared the same blood with. Their gaze met. He tried to give her a welcoming smile despite Gray stretching the corner of his mouth as they rumbled.

Natsu Dragneel. He's the reason for her darkness. She's wondering why he acted differently the first time they met. He stayed with her, he took care of her, he even taught her his own magic. She remembered telling him that her father was Natsu Dragneel. He knew that she was his daughter. Maybe he wanted to gain her trust? He felt guilty?

The thought only made her more furious.

I will never acknowledge you as my father.

She looked away, now looking at Lucy Heartfilia. Lucy was busy chatting with Levy McGarden, discussing the new novel she was preparing to write. Nashi wanted to grab her wrist and drag her away from this guild, to save her from a very painful fate. But she knew she couldn't do that...for now.

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