Chapter 7: A Promise

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Mirajane was wiping a plate dry with a white cloth when Lucy sat on a bar stool next to Erza. A soft frown displayed across her face, her brown eyes held worries. Erza and Mira exchanged glances.

“What's wrong, Lucy?” Titania asked, placing down her now empty plate of cake on the counter.

Lucy's head snapped towards her with widened eyes. She blinked a few times before she forced a smile. “Uh, do I really look bothered? Is it obvious?”

Mira only smiled, Erza shook her head. Lucy was like an open book. Her eyes were the most expressive pair they had ever seen. You would instantly know if she's happy, sad, bothered, or in pain. The fact that she could influence the people around her, especially Natsu, with her feelings and expressions never failed to amuse the two.

“I'm worried about Natsu...and Nashi,” Lucy confessed. “You know, Erza, it's normal to feel worried, right? But is it normal to feel like I'm going crazy? They were not on good terms for some reason!”

Natsu was a fiery type of guy, most of the time chaotic and intimidating, but he was gentle when it came to children. He swore that it was the first time he encountered Nashi, but she seemed to have a deep-rooted dislike towards him.

Mira carefully put the last plate on the shelf. Then she leaned against the counter, her forearms resting on it as she intently listened.

“Hm. They even have the same hair color and magic attributes…” Erza trailed off, rolling her eyes.

“Nashi hasn't come back yet. And I can't talk to Natsu properly. It's like his mind was elsewhere. They're stressing me out!”

They all turned to see their Fire Dragon, face fell flat on the table. Happy was saying something to him but he wasn't responding. It drew out a sigh on their lips.

“Give Nashi more time, I guess? She's new here and she seems to have trust problems,” Mira mumbled. Erza pressed her lips in a tight line. “She kinda reminds me of Erza when she first came here. Cold and distant.”

“We have reasons, Mira.”

“I know.”

“She's acting like that only to Natsu, though…” Lucy pursed her lip as she massaged her temple, elbows resting on the counter. “I hope they get along soon. They're making me feel worried.”

Silence enveloped them for a short moment. Turning her body a little to face Lucy as they sat next to each other, Erza's eyes darted towards their little Sky Dragon.

“That child is unbelievably strong. If you'd compare her to Wendy when she first joined the guild, Nashi is very much stronger. They could even be on par right now, despite Nashi being a year or two younger.”

“Erza, Wendy is a Dragon Slayer and probably has more experiences than Nashi, so how is that possible?” Lucy said with a hint of hesitation in her voice, not wanting to invalidate Nashi's abilities in any way.

However, she couldn't help questioning it as something terrible had crossed her mind—like the thought of Nashi having harsher training and experiences at a very young age for her to be this strong at the present. She didn't want to accept it. The thought and possibility horrified her.

She's only around twelve right now… Does that mean she's been in battles since she was…seven or eight? Worse if younger than that. What the hell?

“She'd be too young!” Mira exclaimed in terror. It was like an image of Asuka in a fight! It could just be training, but it would never be an excuse. Children should enjoy their childhood without experiencing any kind of abuse.

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