Swearing at the coffee shop

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I drive out of the gate and get onto the road outside Bailey's house. I drive home sadly. I'm happy for Bailey but at the same time I'm sad I don't have Grant. I pull into the driveway and go inside. I lock all the doors and lay in a small ball on my bed, whimpering and crying. I miss Grant so much and the worst thing for me right now is, I can still smell him. I grab my fox plush and curl up in a tighter ball and cry silently into it.

30 minutes later I calm down a little and i sit up. My phone pings with a text message. I pick it up and see the message is from my friend in America, Jess.

Hey Ollie, we miss you. When are you coming back?

I smile a little and type back.

In a month and a half Jess but i don't know where yet.

I get a reply a minute later.

Okay cool see you then!

I put my phone down and stand up. Deciding to put a movie on i walk to the living room and lay on the couch. I put on a movie and watch silently but as usual it's not the same. Without the tv noise it's just quiet and lonely. All you hear is the slow ticking of the clock. I sit up and text my best friend Chloe. We haven't seen each other in a while so i thought it would be nice to have a catch up.

Me: Hey Chloe are you free today?

Chloe: I'm at work but if you come to the little coffee shop in Totton we can hang out, my boss is pretty chill.

Me: I don't wanna bother you at work.

Chloe: Nonsense come down!

Me: okay don't bite my head off cat.

Chloe: Don't get distracted at the tennis courts like last time dog.

I snicker and turn my phone off. Time to go then. I walk out the door and get in my smallest car as I'm going to town i don't want anything big. I start the 30 minute drive, my car is still full of medical gear I haven't really used yet. I should work some hours soon.

After a boring 45 minutes I arrive outside of a small coffee shop. It brings in a lot of customers surprisingly but now it was pretty much empty. Only an old sheep was sat in the corner at a small table. I walk up to the counter and wait. I keep waiting for another five minutes. Bit strange, I think to myself. I look over to the left and notice an ear poking up in a small window on a white door and the black tip of a tail. I shake my head and smirk. "You can't hide from me Chloe." I see the ear droop a little and a leopard walks out from around the door. "You're here on time for once, didn't get distracted by any balls then?" I roll my eyes. "That was one time Chloe, I'm sorry I got distracted but I'm a canine. What do you expect if i'm walking past a tennis court?" She smiles. "Excuses excuses, what do you want to drink?" I glance at the menu. "I'll just have an iced coffee with milk and whipped cream please." She nods. "And do you want any food, may i recommend a sausage sandwich?" I roll my eyes. "What? you're pretty much a dog and a sausage is the most dick like thing you're gonna get at the moment." I hide my face in my paws and she giggles.

A couple of minutes go by and I move to the other end of the counter. I sit down on a stool and lay my chin on my arms as I wait. Chloe puts my coffee in front of me and I thank her. I sit up straight again and take a sip. Chloe walks around the back of the establishment and I wait for her to come back. Drinking my drink and occasionally turning around to look at the people walking by. Chloe comes back with a plate in her paw. "And one sausage sandwich." I look up at her to protest but I see her grin and just decide to eat it instead. I don't want to waste food and plus i do kinda want it. I smile back at her and bite into it. Chloe cleans up the stuff she's used and I eat my sandwich, we talk for a while until another customer comes in. A tall grey broad and muscular wolf, when i say muscular i mean he looks like he could break my arm in a few seconds flat.

He orders some strong coffee, I can smell how strong it is without looking. He sits next to me and I roll my eyes. There are two stools between the right and left most one and you have to sit right next to me. Finally as i thought he opened his legs in a manspread that was larger than a ramform titan (the widest ship in the world.) bumping his knee into mine. By now I was pissed off. He finishes his large coffee in one swig then says to me with the most stinky coffee breath in the world. "Hey cutie what's your name?" I put my arm up next to me, my middle bean sticking up at him in a big fuck you. With that I shout "Thanks for the coffee and sandwich Chloe!" put my hoodie on and walk out. I really hate guys like that.

I get in my car, start the engine and drive home.


Hey floofers!!!!!! Sorry about the update schedule but i've been doing art and stuff for my fursona and a few other people. Plus life has an effect. Hope everyone is doing okay?. Drop a comment and tell me if you like this book so far. Don't be shy, I won't bite. I'm starting work on a new chapter straight after this so that will be out shortly. See you in the next chapter, stay safe fluffers!


leaving this world. The sequel to Soul mates by Ollie 4884 (furry Gay BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now